Innovery acquires Open3S, a Spanish company specialized in IT security services and solutions

Fifth acquisition in three years for the Italian cybersecurity company owned by Wise Equity

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Fifth acquisition in three years for Innovery, the Italian cybersecurity company owned by Wise Equity, a private equity fund headquartered in Milan, Italy. With the acquisition of 100% of shares of Open3S, a Spanish company specialized in IT security, data analytics and IT infrastructure services and solutions, Innovery strengthens its presence in Spain, further consolidating its international position in the field of IT security management.

In addition to creating synergies between the two companies, the acquisition doubles Innovery group revenues in Spain and Latin America, which will reach a total around €15 million, also bringing the number of employees in the area to over 130, with the integration of a new office in Barcelona.

"We are very pleased to welcome Open3S into the Innovery family, especially at a time when companies around the world are facing epochal challenges in the cybersecurity sector. Through this acquisition, the Group adds another key element to the expansion strategy on the Iberian market, where we have been present since 2008. Today, thanks to the integration of Open3S we will be able to provide an even more complete offer, increasing our competitiveness”, says Gianvittorio Abate, CEO of Innovery.

Joining an international group like Innovery represents a great opportunity for mutual growth and, at the same time, will allow Open3S to maintain its innovative and differential DNA. By joining the Innovery family, we will continue to support our customers by providing them with distinctive solutions to create added value”, adds Juan Manuel Pascal, founder and former CEO of Open3S.

Juan Manuel Pascal, former CEO of Open3S, will lead the activities of Innovery Group in Spain and Mexico.

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