Pre-seed round of 1.7 million euros for the Italian HRtech startup Tundr

The new round of investment brings the total raised to over 2 million euros in 12 months

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Tundr, an Italian HRtech startup operating in the corporate benefits sector, promoting organizational well-being through an innovative e-welfare ecosystem that helps companies in providing real social impact benefits, has announced a pre-seed round of 1.7 million euros by a vehicle participated by some Italian and international strategic investors, coordinated among others by the advisor Growth Capital.

Founded in 2021 and based in Milan, Italy, Tundr has developed an employee-driven solution, TundrMove, helping companies in promoting green mobility styles with employees. The app allows to estimate the environmental impact of each journey in real time, a user-friendly way to discover the greenest travel alternatives and reduce emissions. The new resources raised will be allocated to the development of new products, the inclusion of key figures and the consolidation of the offer, and the internationalization.

"We are very proud of the outcome of the round. The credit goes to an incredible team united by a common vision: to accompany workers in their daily lives thanks to a single tool that, for the first time, will be able to manage all company benefits", said Jules Arthur Sastre, co- founder of Tundr.

"Thanks to this round of investment, which brings the total raised to over 2 million euros in 12 months, we want to become the enabler of corporate initiatives with a real impact on people's daily lives, increasingly digital and eco-friendly practices friendly”, added Giorgio Seveso, co-founder of Tundr.

Tundr effectively responds to the increasingly widespread demand for more dynamic and fluid corporate welfare services than those offered by traditional players. We are happy to support this young and promising reality, which has already captured the attention of international investors, in an important phase of growth and affirmation in the HRtech market", concluded Andrea Casati, Vice President of Growth Capital.

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