Maire boosts cyber defenses with Vectra AI Platform

Maire's Cyber Fusion Center: where cyber resilience takes shape through Artificial Intelligence and expertise.

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

In an era when cybersecurity is a critical priority for global companies, Maire - a leader in the implementation of sustainable technologies and engineering services - has incorporated the Cyber Fusion Center, led by Cybersecurity Manager Andrea Licciardi, into its advanced strategy. That is an advanced operations center that operates continuously, 24/7, 365 days a year, with a team of highly qualified specialists. Its dynamic and resilient structure enables Maire to meet cybersecurity challenges in a constantly evolving digital landscape.

Maire faced significant challenges in detecting network-based attacks, but despite investments in cybersecurity the number of security incidents and data breaches had been increasing and the average time required to identify and contain a security breach was too long. To reduce cyber risk, the company therefore decided to implement Vectra AI Platform, a Network Detection and Response (NDR) solution that through Artificial Intelligence and machine learning significantly improved its cyber attack detection and response capabilities.

Andrea Licciardi, Cybersecurity Manager at Maire

Previous to opting for Vectra, Maire conducted a rigorous evaluation of several network security solutions. Unannounced penetration tests highlighted Vectra's ability to accurately detect threats within Maire's infrastructure. In addition, Licciardi points out that the flexibility allowed the Vectra platform to fit seamlessly into Maire's complex and distributed network environment, providing complete coverage in cloud, on-premise, and hybrid environments.

Impact on security and team

Vectra integration has led to a significant reduction in false positives and alert volume. Analysts can now focus on real threats, optimizing their workload and improving incident response.

Vectra's effectiveness in detecting complex patterns has helped protect Maire's sensitive data and infrastructure from sophisticated attacks. The platform encouraged a culture of innovation in the team, enhancing threat analysis capabilities and strengthening Maire's position as a leader in cybersecurity.

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