Corent Expands its Relationship with AWS: Enabling Next-Gen Software-as-a-Service Offerings Powered by AWS and SaaSOps™, Corent’s SaaS 2.0 Automation Platform

#AzureMarketplace--Corent Tech announced it is expanding its relationship with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to enable a new generation of software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings, including thousands of ge...

Autore: Business Wire

IRVINE, Calif.: #AzureMarketplace--Corent Tech announced it is expanding its relationship with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to enable a new generation of software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings, including thousands of generative artificial intelligence (AI) startups, powered by AWS and SaaSOps™, Corent’s SaaS 2.0 Automation Platform.

Corent products address the entire cloud journey, from migration assessment, planning, and execution, to application modernization and containerization, cloud management, cost optimization and SaaSification of applications. Corent leverages several AWS services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and others. SaaSOps™ provides all the capabilities a SaaS Provider needs to SaaSify and operate a SaaS application, including the integration with AWS Marketplace that streamlines the buying process for AWS customers. With its tenant onboarding, auto-provisioning and operations management capabilities and its sophisticated subscription creation and metering for usage-based billing, SaaSOps provides the flexibility to automatically on-board tenants with customized registration that make the process easy for both customers and the SaaS Providers.

In their joint blog, Corent Technology and AWS showcase a transformative automated SaaS platform designed to expedite time-to-market and unlock tremendous business growth. The blog details key features such as streamlined operations, enhanced scalability, and innovation catalyst capabilities. Businesses of all sizes can explore the comprehensive insights provided in the blog accessible here. The blog contains a limited free offer to transform one software application per entity to SaaS 2.0 on AWS and in AWS Marketplace.

Co-Sponsorship of "4th Annual Growth & Scale Summit” at UC Irvine Beall Applied Innovation Center.

On the 18th of January Corent Tech and AWS co-sponsored the “4th Annual Growth & Scale Summit” at UC Irvine Beall Applied Innovation Center. The event, hosted by Executive Next Practice (ENP) Institute, gathers thought leaders, industry experts, and innovators to discuss “Next Practices” to scale businesses and achieve “platform leaps” of growth, exactly what Corent and AWS highlighted for the SaaS 2.0 industry. See some event photos here.

Corent Technology’s work with AWS reflects the exciting momentum of their relationship, commitment to fostering innovation, sharing industry expertise, and supporting the digital transformation journey for businesses worldwide.

About Corent Technology

Corent Technology is a leading provider of cloud migration, modernization and optimization solutions, specializing in SaaS enablement and Operations automation. To learn more, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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