Konfer launches AI GRC Control Questions Generator and Catalog, helping enterprise Risk Officers develop governance controls based on specific AI Regulations

Konfer, the leading AI Governance, Risk, and Compliance company announced today the launch of the Konfer AI GRC Control Questions Catalog for the EU AI Act. “This is an industry-first catalog that w...

Autore: Business Wire

MILPITAS, Calif.: Konfer, the leading AI Governance, Risk, and Compliance company announced today the launch of the Konfer AI GRC Control Questions Catalog for the EU AI Act. “This is an industry-first catalog that will help Compliance and Risk officers accelerate their compliance with the EU AI Act,” said Debu Chatterjee, CEO of Konfer. “Our AI Generator was able to analyze the entire Act, and present the guidance and mandates as control questions that enterprise leaders can share with their teams. We are able to also consume the team responses and give the organization a comprehensive picture of their risks, risk posture, and mitigation decision.”

The Konfer AI GRC Control Questions Catalog covers the areas of:

“We will be adding more catalogs from other AI Regulatory Acts—including NIST, Singapore AI Act, and others,” said Chatterjee. “Our AI GRC suite will continuously monitor for AI Risks based on the Act a company chooses, and will provide complete transparency into the data, models, and apps that could be at risk.”

Konfer will be demonstrating the Konfer Control Questions Generator at the World AI Cannes in the second week of February. “We are delighted to be presenting a demo session at the conference, and welcome attendees to sign up for the session where they can see and experience the product live,” said Chatterjee.

The EU AI Act control questions by chapters or the full set is available at www.konfer.ai/shop.

The Konfer demo session details at the World AI Cannes event is at https://www.worldaicannes.com/en/demo-sessions/658a9c777ebaac110493344b.

About Konfer:

Based in Fremont, CA, Konfer is a venture-backed AI governance suite that is the first product to build governance workflows mapped to complex AI governance laws across the world. Konfer AI GRC is a SaaS product and can be deployed for specific use cases within weeks, and provide continuous governance and risk alerts.

Fonte: Business Wire

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