Solidsoft Reply takes Finland's digital health to the cloud

The Italian company completed an important systems migration of Finland’s National Medicines Verification System

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Solidsoft Reply takes Finland's digital health to the cloud

Italian company Solidsoft Reply, a Reply Group company specialising in creating Microsoft Azure cloud-based enterprise solutions, has successfully migrated Finland's National Medicines Verification System to its National Blueprint solution. National Blueprint Solution is Solidsoft Reply's Own National Verification System - A system built on Microsoft Azure cloud technology to verify medicines in accordance to the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD). This accomplishment marks a pioneering step for the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS).

Over four years' worth of data, comprising over 500+ million medicines pack records, was meticulously migrated. This complex 10-month project required detailed planning and collaborative engagement with the Finnish Medicines Verification Organisation (FiMVO). It involved the development of a fully validated migration toolset, numerous workshops for Finnish IT suppliers, and documentation on how data is transitioned. This ensured a secure and seamless transition with full traceability of its data for auditing purposes.

Maija Gohlke, General Manager at the Finnish Medicines Verification Organisation FiMVO (Suomen Lääkevarmennus Oy) underlined that the migration project is "a first of its kind and of a huge magnitude", with so many connection points in the supply chain. This marks the first-ever migration of a national medicines verification system within the EMVS ecosystem between blueprint providers; and is particularly significant in the context of healthcare and pharmaceuticals, where accuracy, data integrity, and security are paramount.

"This successful migration is not just a remarkable achievement but also a testament to our engineering expertise and collaborative ethos at Solidsoft Reply. Our partnership with FiMVO was instrumental in overcoming the technical challenges, setting a new standard in the EMVS ecosystem", said David Eccles, Partner at Solidsoft Reply.

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