There's a bit of Italy in the American VeeMost offering

The Red Bank, New Jersey (USA) managed service provider adds FlashStart DNS filter to its offer.

Autore: Valerio Mariani

VeeMost Technologies is a managed service provider that provides digital transformation solutions and services to US organizations. Its specialty is in architecting, deploying, and managing secure digital solutions and platforms so that customers can be more efficient, profitable, and relevant in their businesses. Not only does it offer guidance from the start, but it also plans, deploys, optimizes, and manages entire technology lifecycles for New Jersey customers. The company also steps in to assist with various financing options when necessary. In 2021, VeeMost launched innovation hub centers which focus on researching and developing new solutions that enhance partners’ products and services.

Now Flashstart is a core component of VeeMost’s security product and service offerings. The services FlashStart provides are essential to the security initiative of the American IT partner, because, in order to properly protect data and business technology infrastructures, the security policy of an organization must include DNS-based protection.

FlashStart delivers this and more via the cloud, coupled with excellent technical support. It allows MSPs, like VeeMost, to leverage their platforms for their customers or as the underlying engine for their own product offerings.

Why VeeMost has chosen FlashStart

"They are very flexible and are one of the fastest in ensuring that security updates are immediately applied to the systems and infrastructure that they protect. The ease with which they implement new features is unmatched. And their product offerings are very flexible and accommodate any type of business" said Melvin Ejiogu, VeeMost CEO.

FlashStart is the engine that runs VeeShield product offerings. They use it to the fullest, installing FlashStart on customers’ routers at remote locations, and also integrating it with Active Directory for user policy implementation and much more; everything is in house.

"FlashStart is here to stay. They have a huge market in Europe and have been making waves here in North America. With the recent Cisco OpenDNS/Umbrella MSP changes, I’m very sure that more people will hear about FlashStart” adds Melvin Ejiogu, VeeMost CEO. “For our part, we are excited to be connected with them. Their products and services have never disappointed us. Their R&D department has worked tirelessly to support our VeeShield product offerings, which we intend to begin marketing soon, giving FlashStart even more reach into the United States’ and Africa’s infrastructures.

VeeMost, definitively, is very satisfied with FlashStart and its use, and you can say the same about its current customers, who are very pleased and consider FlashStart to be a good choice, a true high quality solution, fast and easy to use.

"The partnership with VeeMost is yet another confirmation of the level of quality achieved by FlashStart's service in an international setting. FlashStart is being used today in the U.S. and South America by institutions, service providers, and end users, generating more than half of the total revenues and contributing to the diffusion of made-in-Italy technological know-how around the world" said Francesco Collini, FlashStart CEO.

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