nShift: Communication key to delivering an online shopping experience consumers crave

#customerexperience--nShift, the global leader in parcel delivery management software, highlights the clear commercial imperative to get communication in the customer experience (CX) right. Some 90% o...

Autore: Business Wire

90% of consumers see quick and timely communication as a critical part of ecom experience - and will spend elsewhere if they don’t get it

LONDON: #customerexperience--nShift, the global leader in parcel delivery management software, highlights the clear commercial imperative to get communication in the customer experience (CX) right. Some 90% of customers consider quick responses and communication quality as important to their overall experience. Moreover, some 87% of consumers spend less with, or completely abandon, brands that don’t provide great service.

nShift’s report, “Delivering for shoppers in 2024” explains that how retailers differentiate on CX will be a defining trend in retail this year.

“Consumers don’t expect to compromise the quality of their experience just because they’re shopping online,” said Sean Sherwin-Smith, Product Director Post-Purchase, nShift. “They expect regular and relevant communication. And they presume that this communication will come to them through the channels – phone, social media, email – that work for them. Communicating with customers throughout the shopping, delivery and returns experience is also a fantastic way to build brand loyalty with shoppers and to keep them coming back for more.”

Five tips to curb the cost of poor CX

To help retailers create the best possible CX, nShift has the following five tips:

Sherwin-Smith concluded, “New technologies continue to create new possibilities. At nShift, our portfolio of solutions enables ecom and multi-channel retailers to create a seamless delivery experience from checkout to returns. Getting deliveries right can turbo-charge the customer experience, increase conversions and turn one-off transactions into life-long customer relationships.”

Download Delivering for shoppers in 2024 to find out more.

About nShift

nShift is the global leading provider of cloud delivery management solutions enabling frictionless shipment and return of almost one billion shipments across 190 countries annually. nShift’s software is used globally by e-commerce, retail, manufacturing and 3PL shippers. The company is headquartered in London and Oslo. It has over 500 employees across offices in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Romania.

Fonte: Business Wire

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