Jitjatjo research: Flexible schedules drive surge of workers to the gig economy; benefits could keep them there

Jitjatjo, the leading shift-based workforce management (WFM) platform and talent marketplace, today announced compelling results from its national survey on the gig economy. The survey, conducted in D...

Autore: Business Wire

Half of people under the age of 45 would leave their full-time job if gig work offered benefits

NEW YORK: Jitjatjo, the leading shift-based workforce management (WFM) platform and talent marketplace, today announced compelling results from its national survey on the gig economy. The survey, conducted in December 2023 by Propeller Insights across various age groups in the U.S., highlights that the promise of flexibility and work/life balance is the shared economy's key attraction, while the lack of benefits is its key challenge.

It also highlights that most Americans believe flexible workers will eventually drive the nation's future economy, not traditional/full-time workers.

Gig workers have tripled in numbers between 2017 and 2021 – and continue to rise. McKinsey's 2022 American Opportunity Survey reported that 36% of employed individuals in the U.S. now identify as independent workers – up from 27% in 2016.

What fuels the switch from traditional 9 to 5 jobs to gig work? Flexibility!

"The gig economy shows no sign of slowing growth; flexibility has been a driving factor to join the movement, and offering benefits to gig workers significantly improves retention," said Tim Chatfield, Co-founder and CEO of Jitjatjo. "We believe that gig workers should have the opportunity to access benefits and protections similar to that of full-time workers by (a) being properly classified as W2 employees and (b) earning access to benefits based on the hours they work.”

The survey data points below illustrate the importance of flexibility to the younger cohorts and why the flexible labor market is on a trajectory of high-impact growth.

Flexibility is the key driver for the gig economy

The survey reaffirms that flexibility remains the primary driver for individuals switching from typical office hours to flexible gig work:

Gen Z and Millennials are all in on the shared economy

The younger cohorts are more likely to have participated in the gig economy, but its future as a long-term career option offering benefits could be the key to retaining them:

Benefits are critical to the continued growth of the gig economy

A lack of benefits and protections keeps many individuals from participating in the shared economy:

Solving the benefits challenge with Better by Jitjatjo

Jitjatjo aims to address the benefits gap by partnering with Avibra to offer affordable healthcare and wellness benefits. A part of Jitjatjo’s human betterment mission, Better by Jitjatjo offers gig workers a comprehensive suite of benefits, from health and finance to wellness and lifestyle perks.

“From day one, Jitjatjo’s purpose was to build a platform that provides tools and essential benefits to help talent reach their full potential and feel valued. Additionally, we want our business partners to thrive,” said Victoria Bethlehem, Chief People Officer at Jitjatjo. “As the gig economy continues to reshape the future of work, Jitjatjo invites individuals to explore our flexible work opportunities and benefit from our workforce management offerings whilst enjoying the full benefits of being part of the growing gig economy.”

About Jitjatjo

Since 2015, Jitjatjo has developed workforce management and talent marketplace solutions that empower organizations with frontline workers to embrace flexible labor, scale service quality, and enhance compliance. Network by Jitjatjo is a gig-work platform for internal and external labor that leverages A.I. and Empathic Intelligence to transform the way people work, optimize resourcing, and increase productivity. Jitjatjo provides flexible work and instant pay to workers, while also staffing on-demand to businesses, particularly in the hospitality industry, which includes conference centers, stadiums, hospitals, schools, hotels and restaurants.

Learn more about the Jitjatjo's flexible work and workforce management offerings at jitjatjo.com

Fonte: Business Wire

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