Preamble Debuts as New Membership Longevity Service Harnessing the Three Emerging Trends in Healthcare: Biohacking, Healthspan and Personalized Care

Today, Preamble debuts as a healthspan and longevity membership program tackling the phenomenon of medicine 3.0 and the imperative need for a revolution within the healthcare industry. Preamble offers...

Autore: Business Wire

Centered on preventative health and optimizing performance, Preamble offers celebrity-level healthcare at a fraction of the price

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.: Today, Preamble debuts as a healthspan and longevity membership program tackling the phenomenon of medicine 3.0 and the imperative need for a revolution within the healthcare industry. Preamble offers its aging-aware patients cutting-edge health assessment and data-first clinical care, enabling them to see into their future, discover potential health risks and learn how to get ahead of these problems through its high-touch program. The healthspan membership program promises a future where treatments are personalized and technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing patient care.

Behind Preamble is cofounder and CEO Dr. Jesse Greer, a former Green Beret and Special Forces physician and flight surgeon whose career has taken him from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to the front lines as a battalion surgeon in Afghanistan. Following extensive experience delivering care for the most elite soldiers in the world, Greer took his battle-tested experience used during and after deployments with the Green Berets and developed a healthspan program that caters to individuals worldwide.

“After spending time at various hospitals across the country following my 17 years of service in the Army, I felt like I was watching a sinking ship that was the healthcare system and realized that the standard practice of sick-care wasn’t the key to overall well-being,” said Greer. “I founded Preamble with the aim of prioritizing proactive patient care, emphasizing prevention and performance enhancement over merely providing temporary solutions. I’m most passionate about helping those who are keen to take charge of their health, lower their lifetime illness risks, and experience something that will change the way we view medicine forever.”

With its typical patient aged 30 to 60 who are conscious of aging, Preamble employs virtual health tracking to monitor and analyze a patient's well-being, as well as continuous coaching that delivers a personalized approach. For patients wanting to maximize the impact and optimize their health, they have a choice of two tiers of membership - the Auto-Pilot Optimization or Co-Pilot Concierge program:

Auto-Pilot Optimization Program

Co-Pilot Concierge Program: This program includes all aspects from the Auto-Pilot program, with the addition of -

Currently, one in three American adults are pre-diabetic, with cardiovascular disease, cancer and dementia ranking as the top three causes of death. These primary health concerns have a preventable component that are quite often overlooked and undertreated. Since launching the program, Dr. Jesse Greer’s Healthspan Clinic has seen that the average patient has more evidence of early-onset chronic diseases and elevated risk of heart attack than they were aware of. Under the guidance of Preamble's program, patients who implemented meaningful nutrition and exercise strategies, coupled with supplements and sometimes medication, have all had significant improvement in a myriad of risk factors. Most notably, over 75 percent of patients have increased lean muscle mass while reducing their body fat percentage, including the high-risk visceral fat inside the abdomen and surrounding critical organs. In addition, over 90 percent of patients with elevated inflammation are now at optimal levels.

“Needless to say, everyone wants to live a longer, happier life with less chronic illness and more healthy years. Practicing the science of longevity and healthspan as a healthcare service had only been attainable to celebrities and the wealthy until now,” said Head of Marketing Matthew Nixon. “With this comprehensive shift towards holistic well-being, Preamble is helping patients take back control of their health by using cutting-edge technology supported by bespoke medical guidance. Overall, Preamble is discarding the one-size-fits-all approach in favor of better health using next-generation medicine.”

With the clinic located in Scottsdale, Ariz., Preamble is launching its digital and telehealth service in 2024, making the longevity membership service available to those nationwide allowing the brand to expand its footprint in larger cities including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Dallas.

To join Preamble, membership starts at $2,500 annually with limited availability for founding member spots. Visit and @getpreamble to learn more.

Fonte: Business Wire

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