The PR Council Updates Ethical Guidelines on Generative AI Tools

#AI--The PR Council (PRC), a trade association dedicated to advancing the standards and value of public relations firms, announces the release of its updated Guidelines on Generative AI Tools. The upd...

Autore: Business Wire

Revised Guidelines Align with Rapidly Changing Platforms and Adoption

NEW YORK: #AI--The PR Council (PRC), a trade association dedicated to advancing the standards and value of public relations firms, announces the release of its updated Guidelines on Generative AI Tools. The updated version, which will be officially released at an online seminar for Members on February 8th, offers a comprehensive framework for the ethical use of generative AI in PR.

Since the initial publication of the guidelines last April, the landscape of generative AI in the communications industry has evolved significantly, with some firms moving from cautious experimentation to tactical implementation and even strategic adoption. Recognizing this, the PR Council has revised its guidelines to include an overview of the current state of AI, common use cases across agencies and guidance on disclosure to clients, employee training and more.

According to task force co-chair Mark McClennan, General Manager, C+C and Ethical Voices podcast creator, “While core ethics principles should not change, actionable guidelines need to evolve with the industry. One of the areas of rapid AI evolution has been developments with generative AI in enterprise software such as Adobe’s Firefly and how agencies are using generative AI to create visual outputs. We convened a focus group with agency creative directors along with a cross-disciplinary team of experts in ethics, corporate reputation, digital and DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) to update the guidance to deal with today’s reality.”

The new guidelines introduce a continuum that emerged from these conversations. The continuum outlines the evolution of AI and its implications in serving clients, supporting teams and advancing the public interest.

“We are hearing more optimism about how these tools, when paired with human ingenuity, can improve our work and eliminate certain mundane or time-consuming tasks,” Anne Green, CEO, G&S Business Communications, "Augmenting human intelligence and ingenuity is the key. It is still difficult to foresee a time when these platforms and tools can produce unique and fully client-ready outputs totally free of issues with no human engagement or review."

In addition to the emergence of a continuum, key updates include:

"As generative AI technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it's crucial for firms to stay informed and implement policies accordingly," said Kim Sample, President of the PRC. "Our updated guidelines are designed to empower PR professionals with the knowledge and tools they need to harness the potential of generative AI while being aware of the risks."

The PRC is committed to ensuring Members exhibit the highest level of professionalism, decision making and ethical conduct. The updated guidelines are a testament to this commitment, setting a standard for responsible AI use in the industry.

Register for the PRC’s launch webinar on February 8th at 12 p.m. ET here.

About the PR Council

The PR Council is the only association dedicated to supporting agencies with a core competency in earned media. Through a combination of convening, advising and learning opportunities, the PR Council aims to help Members — the leaders of 150 of US and Canada’s premier global, mid-size, regional and specialty firms — work smarter to build more valuable agencies. Programming is focused on the most critical issues affecting PR agency leaders’ ability to attract and retain talent and grow client relationships and their firms.

Fonte: Business Wire

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