Airbyte Achieves Elite Technology Tier Partner Status with Snowflake

#dataconnectors--Airbyte, creators of the leading open-source data movement infrastructure, today announced that it has achieved Elite tier partner status from Snowflake, the Data Cloud company. As an...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN FRANCISCO: #dataconnectors--Airbyte, creators of the leading open-source data movement infrastructure, today announced that it has achieved Elite tier partner status from Snowflake, the Data Cloud company. As an Elite partner, Airbyte can accelerate the digital transformation of customers who can fully leverage the performance, flexibility, and near-infinite scalability of the Snowflake Data Cloud. Airbyte has also been approved as a Snowflake Ready Technology Validation Partner, cementing Airbyte’s position as a product in line with best practices around performance, reliability, and security.

“As a Snowflake Ready Technology Validation Partner, Airbyte stands committed to best practices in performance, reliability, and security, providing a powerful combination to streamline the entire data movement process,” said Michel Tricot, co-founder and CEO, Airbyte. “Together with Snowflake, we are making advances that enable enterprises to make data-driven decisions with unprecedented efficiency and agility.”

Airbyte and Snowflake collaborate within the modern tech stack to mobilize the world’s data with Snowflake’s Data Cloud, helping joint customers address some of their greatest data movement concerns – connector creation and maintenance. Through the power of Airbyte and its community, data from any source can effectively and affordably be moved for use within Snowflake.

“Airbyte combined with Snowflake’s Data Cloud comprise a powerful combination of capabilities to streamline the entire data movement process and mobilize data in the service of the enterprise,” said Tarik Dwiek, head of technology alliances, at Snowflake.

The Snowflake Partner Network unlocks the potential of the Data Cloud with a broad array of tools and partners. Certified partnerships and integrations enable customers to leverage Snowflake’s flexibility, performance, and ease of use to deliver more meaningful data insights. To become a Snowflake partner and get access to Snowflake’s self-service partner resources, please click here.

Airbyte makes moving data easy and affordable across almost any source and destination, helping enterprises provide their users with access to the right data for analysis and decision-making. Airbyte has the largest data engineering contributor community – with more than 800 contributors – and the best tooling to build and maintain connectors.

About Airbyte

Airbyte is the open-source data movement infrastructure leader running in the safety of your cloud and syncing data from applications, APIs, and databases to data warehouses, lakes, and other destinations. Airbyte offers four products: Airbyte Open Source, Airbyte Self-Managed, Airbyte Cloud, and Powered by Airbyte. Airbyte was co-founded by Michel Tricot (former director of engineering and head of integrations at Liveramp and RideOS) and John Lafleur (serial entrepreneur of dev tools and B2B). The company is headquartered in San Francisco with a distributed team around the world. To learn more, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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