SecurityPal Funds Primary School in Rural Nepal in Partnership with Team Dayā

SecurityPal, a market leader in customer assurance technology, has provided matching funds towards the construction of a primary school in the Western Terai region of Nepal in Spring 2024. Through an ...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN FRANCISCO: SecurityPal, a market leader in customer assurance technology, has provided matching funds towards the construction of a primary school in the Western Terai region of Nepal in Spring 2024. Through an initiative led by Team Dayā, the funding will seed efforts to raise the remaining funds prior to the school’s ground breaking.

“Working with Team Dayā to deliver durable school infrastructure for communities that struggle with high rates of illiteracy and poverty represents an opportunity for generational impact,” said SecurityPal CEO Pukar C. Hamal.

Hamal is from a rural Nepalese village in the Western Terai region, and the SecurityPal’s Security Operations Command Center is based in the country’s capital of Kathmandu.

“In recent years, Nepal has become an emerging tech hub, with global companies planting their roots in the region, and at SecurityPal, we were especially proud to do the same when opening our Security Operations Command Center in Kathmandu last year,” Hamal continued. “Our partnership with Team Dayā represents another step in our commitment to support and uplift tomorrow’s brightest minds — from Silicon Valley to Western Terai.”

Both Hamal and the VP, Global BD and Operations Ruth Rafalovich plan to work actively with Team Dayā to raise additional funds to bolster the company’s $10,000 matching funds. It costs $40,000 to fund a three-room schoolhouse.

More than 4.5 million people in Nepal are living below the poverty line of $1.90 a day, and more than 9.7 million people over the age of 15 — 32 percent of the total population — are illiterate. Discrimination based on gender and caste has kept children from attending school. Currently, more girls (13 percent) are out of school than boys (7.2 percent).

“Building change with both dollars and time allows Team Dayā and SecurityPal to partner with local communities to provide real, generational impact with this school infrastructure,” said Team Dayā Founder Jay Sears. “This work with SecurityPal demonstrates it is possible to reduce poverty and illiteracy and open up educational opportunities equally to girls and boys.”

Team Dayā is a group of advertising & technology executives who raise funds to build primary schools in partnership with some of the most impoverished communities in the world. Started in 2018, the group constructed its first school in Nepal. Since then, the organization has partnered with communities in Senegal, Guatemala, Malawi and Nicaragua on school construction.

To learn more about Team Dayā and make a donation, please visit

About SecurityPal
SecurityPal is the only all-in-one consolidated solution on the market that combines bleeding-edge yet simple, customer-facing technology with in-house squadrons of trained, equipped, and efficient “security analysts in-the-loop” to effectively solve the security review process once and for all. SecurityPal was founded in 2020 and is backed by Craft Ventures, Martin Casado of Andreessen Horowitz, and angel investors, including Frederic Kerrest, Executive Vice Chairman, Co-Founder, and COO at Okta, Anne Raimondi, COO of Asana, Iman Abuzeid CEO of Incredible Health, and Dev Nag, serial entrepreneur and investor.

Fonte: Business Wire

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