There will be more Leonardo digital tech in Saudi Arabia

A new collaboration agreement covers a broad range of sectors in which Leonardo has strong technological capabilities, including space, electronics and digital technologies

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

The longstanding relationship between Leonardo and the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia gets stronger. Over decades, Leonardo has been supplying to the Kingdom platforms, systems, technologies and services ranging from passenger transport to cybersecurity, but now the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding paves the way for more collaboratin in advanced tech fields.

The agreement - signed by the Ministry of Investment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the General Authority for Military Industries of the Kingdom and Leonardo - covers many collaboration opportunities in the defence and aerospace sector.

From a more IT/technological standpoint, it offers a focus on specialised areas of collaboration in both Combat Air and Cross-Domain Integration fields, where Leonardo is active on next generation technology initiatives which could include uncrewed systems, integrated sensors, digital technologies and industrialisation processes.

According to Stefano Pontecorvo, Chairman of Leonardo, "This signing represents an important opportunity to consolidate defence cooperation and strengthen a joint vision for future Combat Air operations. But it also represents a platform through which to jointly develop new technologies, through the experience and capabilities of the parties."

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