Clearspeed Welcomes Government Security Executive Parker Wise to Advisory Team

Clearspeed, the leading provider of AI-powered risk assessment technology for enterprise organizations, announced the appointment of Parker Wise to its advisory board. Parker brings extensive experien...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN DIEGO: Clearspeed, the leading provider of AI-powered risk assessment technology for enterprise organizations, announced the appointment of Parker Wise to its advisory board. Parker brings extensive experience in developing and leading national security programs across the globe through his executive roles with the United States Federal Government, where he served for more than 28 years. As Clearspeed rapidly scales in the insurance and financial services verticals, Parker's expertise will be instrumental in support of Clearspeed’s growing client base in the government, defense, intelligence, and security sectors. His work in the inter-agency arena and the relationships he forged in the U.S. government and with foreign partners will help inform and position Clearspeed’s further expansion in this space.

Risk assessment has historically been a time and resource intensive process, often reliant on incomplete or inaccurate data. In today’s world, with rapid advances in emerging technologies and increasing geopolitical uncertainty, identifying risk quickly, reliably, and at scale has become an imperative. As governments and organizations tackle the complex challenges of screening and vetting individuals, whether for recruiting, security clearance, asylum, etc., they are often forced to trade-off between speed and safety. Clearspeed addresses this trade-off head-on. The unique AI-powered platform enables the fair, fast, and secure movement of people and transactions by providing trusted risk insights. No trade-off required - speed becomes the enterprise's security.

“Clearspeed was developed to help organizations close the trust gap,” said Alex Martin, CEO of Clearspeed. “Every decision is informed by an assessment of risk - and you can only move as fast as the conditions for trust allow. We set out to quickly and accurately triage risk at scale, and today our platform enables clients around the world to make better, faster decisions and move their missions forward. We are not iterating on the candlestick to get to the light bulb - this is about risk management, reimagined.”

Throughout his career in intelligence and national security, Parker has relentlessly pursued the safety and security of the people and communities he served. This was underpinned by extensive risk identification, stratification, and mitigation efforts, designed to build the assurances needed to move operations forward. “In my experience, it is extremely rare to find a solution that can truly augment human experts from a risk calculus perspective,” said Parker. “Clearspeed will change the risk management landscape with their AI-powered platform and I’m excited to play a role in bringing this powerful capability to clients across industries.”

“We’re thrilled to welcome Parker to our Clearspeed team,” notes Alex. “His incredible background, sterling character, global perspective, and commitment to innovation to build a better world will be integral in helping our clients embrace our fast, accurate, and unbiased approach to risk assessment and drive unprecedented efficacy and ROI for their organizations.” Today, Clearspeed’s AI-powered platform is helping clients across six continents confidently assess risk and get to trust, faster.

About Clearspeed

Clearspeed is the market leader for assessing risk in speech. Global organizations trust our highly precise, accurate, and unbiased voice analytics to fast-track low risk while also alerting to possible fraud. Our clients and partners rely on the unique data we provide to improve their risk confidence, reduce their costs, and deliver an improved customer experience.

Fonte: Business Wire

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