Secretary of Energy Meets with Future Energy to Discuss Automotive Dealership EV Transition Technology

Future Energy, which provides comprehensive EV and energy strategies for a diverse range of industries, including automotive, had an opportunity at the annual North American Auto Dealers Association (...

Autore: Business Wire

Sec. Granholm Given First-Hand Account of Tools Needed to Lessen the Costs for Dealership EV Adopters at Annual NADA Show

LAS VEGAS: Future Energy, which provides comprehensive EV and energy strategies for a diverse range of industries, including automotive, had an opportunity at the annual North American Auto Dealers Association (NADA) show to exclusively share its innovative work in helping dealerships transitioning to EV with U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm.

Secretary Granholm, the lead voice in the Biden Administration’s push for EV consumer adoption, talked with Future Energy CEO Sam DiNello and EVP Dan Young about how the company is helping auto dealerships make the transition to selling EVs.

“Secretary Granholm and I spoke about how Future Energy brings energy efficiencies to the early adopters of EVs and our work in solving some of their challenges,” said DiNello. “We have an abundance of empathy for how difficult this process has been for the dealers to upgrade their facilities, the investment they’ve had to make, and what we’ve done to simplify that process. We’re not here to convince anyone to make the transition. We’re here to help them prepare when they’re ready.”

Accompanied by U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Sustainable Transportation, Michael Berube, Secretary Granholm was especially interested in how Future Energy has been able to help businesses solve energy challenges in various industries, from automotive to health care and hospitality. DiNello and Sec. Granholm also discussed the potential of future vehicle-to-grid technology.

“Future Energy was the only company Sec. Granholm personally visited amongst the 600 NADA Show exhibitors and was given a demonstration of the company’s Interface platform, which manages EV chargers, as well as dynamic load balancing, inventory management, automation, and potential demand response. She was extremely interested in how we’re helping our clients with sustainable solutions to power management, controlling costs and managing the energy they use,” said DiNello.

About Future Energy

Future Energy is a Michigan-based energy solutions and IoT technology company specializing in the comprehensive integration of EV charging infrastructure, energy management, and smart technologies for businesses from virtually every industry. With a multidisciplinary team of experts spanning various industries, including software, energy, and construction, they're capable of providing comprehensive planning, installation, and management solutions with unique energy- and technology-based strategies for clients across North America.

Fonte: Business Wire

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