Reply opens a new cyber security lab in Cologne

German companies can now see security tools and solutions in action against the most important cyber threats

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Reply opens a new cyber security lab in Cologne

German IT/OT experts and security managers have now a new place where they can get in touch and test directly new cyber security tools and solutions. It's the new Cyber Security Lab that Reply just opened in Cologne to "inform and provide companies with security solutions as well as concrete recommendations to protect the organisation effectively against cyber threats", says Thomas Hartmann, member of board of Reply Germany.

In the Cyber Security Lab, the latest security solutions and technologies will be tested to protect the privacy of people, companies and processes. Demo stations for testing and simulating attack vectors and modelling threats are available at the Lab. Through simulation, organisations can respond pre-emptively to security threats and reduce the risk of production downtime. Controllers and devices of industry-standard hardware and software components can also be tested to see if they can withstand cyber attacks.

In addition to the test and demo stations related to industrial security, IoT and IIoT, 5G, automotive and smart building security, the focus of the project ranges from adaptive cloud security, secure software development and security-oriented network infrastructures to application and data security. Companies that rely on agile development, cloud computing or remote work will receive security assessment reports on the played scenarios so that they can rule out disruptions to their cybersecurity models.

Visitors will also learn how artificial intelligence (AI) helps to reliably protect data. Use cases range from detecting anomalies or malicious entities to implementing security information to event management (SIEM) systems, endpoint security products and incident response. AI is also crucial in tackling malware and enables predictions to act or plan prior to the attacks. Security professionals use AI to deploy resources more effectively and should, therefore, be included in any security strategy.

Interested companies can now book a visit to the Cyber Security Lab at

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