Growth continues at E4 Computer Engineering

The Italian company shows a revenue increase of 23% in 2023 and aims to expand its staff, doubled during the last two years

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

E4 Computer Engineering's growth trajectory continues, as the Italian company maintains its leadership in the fields of high-tech hardware and software solutions for Artificial Intelligence, High-Performance Computing (HPC), Quantum Computing (QC), Cloud Computing, and Data Analytics.

All key business indicators for 2023 show positive trends, with a 23% increase in revenue compared to the previous year, driven by the consolidation of the client portfolio and the expansion of the company's expertise.

This marks a longstanding positive trend, resulting from a commitment to research, the ability to develop solutions based on the most advanced technologies, the provision of high-level consultancy and services, and collaboration with leading research centers nationally and internationally in the HPC and AI fields.

"E4 is a continuously evolving reality, whose mission is to explore innovative technologies to create cutting-edge solutions. The talent, vision, and skills of the people who drive it are our main asset and the true engine of our innovative capacity. Our growth and that of our professionals are intimately linked, and for this reason, we are constantly seeking new resources, experiences, and advanced skills to continue together on our development path, expand our portfolio, and enhance our ability to meet market needs," said Cosimo Damiano Gianfreda, CEO and Co-Founder of E4 Computer Engineering.

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