REPLY: The Board of Directors Approved the Draft Financial Statements for the Year 2023.

Today the Board of Directors of Reply S.p.A. [MTA, STAR: REY] approved the draft financial statement for the year 2023, which will be submitted for approval to the Shareholders’ Meeting to be held o...

Autore: Business Wire

All Economic Indicators Are Positive.

Approval of the proposed dividend distribution of €1 per share.

TURIN, Italy: Today the Board of Directors of Reply S.p.A. [MTA, STAR: REY] approved the draft financial statement for the year 2023, which will be submitted for approval to the Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on first call in Turin on 23 April 2024.

The Reply Group closed 2023 with a consolidated turnover of €2,118.0 million, an increase of 12.0% compared to €1.891.1 million in 2022.

All indicators are positive for the period. Consolidated EBITDA was €352.1 million, an increase of 3.5% compared to €340.3 million at December 2022 (growth is 20% net of the COVID funds released in 2022).

EBIT, from January to December, was at €292.7 million, which is an increase of 2.5% compared to €285.5 million at December 2022 (growth is 22.7% net of the COVID funds released in 2022).

The Group net profit was at €186.7 million. In 2022, the corresponding value was €191.0 million.

Following the results achieved in 2023, the Reply Board of Directors decided to propose a dividend distribution of €1 per share to the next Shareholders’ Meeting, which will be payable on 22 May 2024, with the dividend date set on 20 May 2024 (record date 21 May 2024).

As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s net financial position has been positive at €204.9 million (€70.6 million at 31 December 2022). As at 30 September 2023, the net financial position was positive at €189.7 million.

"2023," stated Mario Rizzante, Reply's Chairman, "was the year in which the world became definitively aware that a great new revolution was just around the corner: the advent of artificial intelligence. Reply was able to ride this moment of great discontinuity by closing a growing financial year, but above all by establishing itself among the new leaders in the sector."

"This positioning - continues Mario Rizzante - was possible because Reply, in 2023, was able to capitalise on years of investment made in artificial intelligence, an area where we began operating with our first competence centres as early as 2017. This know-how within the group has allowed us, in a few months, not only to set up dedicated AI units within all the group companies, but above all to specialise more than 20 companies on the introduction of artificial intelligence into the main industrial sectors."

"The future that lies ahead" Mario Rizzante concludes "is still to be written. In a short time, we will be living in a union of automation, artificial intelligence, digital interfaces and connected objects. In front of us there is a great opportunity and at the same time a challenge that, as Reply, we intend to seize and transform into new spaces of growth for our Group."

The manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports, Dr Giuseppe Veneziano, states in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 154-bis of the Consolidated Finance Act, that the accounting information contained in this press release corresponds to the company's records, ledgers and accounting entries.


Reply [EXM, STAR: REY, ISIN: IT0005282865] specialises in the design and implementation of solutions based on new communication channels and digital media. Reply is a network of highly specialised companies supporting key European industrial groups operating in the telecom and media, industry and services, banking, insurance and public administration sectors in the definition and development of business models enabled for the new paradigms of AI, cloud computing, digital media and the Internet of Things. Reply services include: Consulting, System Integration and Digital Services.

This press release is a translation, the Italian version will prevail.

Fonte: Business Wire

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