Lattice Wins Multiple 2024 Globee® Cybersecurity Awards for Security Solutions and Leadership

$LSCC #FPGA--Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC), the low power programmable leader, today announced that it has been recognized with multiple 2024 Globee Cybersecurity Awards. The Lattice Sentry™ ...

Autore: Business Wire

HILLSBORO, Ore.: $LSCC #FPGA--Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC), the low power programmable leader, today announced that it has been recognized with multiple 2024 Globee Cybersecurity Awards. The Lattice Sentry™ solution stack won a Gold award in the ‘Embedded Security’ category, Lattice SupplyGuard™ service won a Silver award in the ‘Software Supply Chain Security’ category, and the Lattice Security Seminar series won a Bronze award in the ‘Thought Leadership in Strengthening Cyber Resiliency’ category.

“In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the importance of cybersecurity and cyber resiliency cannot be overstated. At Lattice, we are committed to helping our customers future-proof their applications and systems with a robust portfolio of security-equipped solutions,” said Eric Sivertson, VP of Security Business, Lattice Semiconductor. “We thank The Globee Awards for once again recognizing our commitment to delivering advanced security solutions and resources that enable our customers to add more protections to their designs.”

The Globee Cybersecurity Awards recognize cybersecurity companies and professionals for their innovative approaches and effective solutions in ensuring security in the digital age. The awards cover various categories and the program aims to raise awareness about cybersecurity issues and honor those who have made significant contributions in protecting organizations and individuals from cyber threats.

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About the Globee Awards

Globee Awards are conferred in nine programs and competitions: the American Best in Business Awards, Business Excellence Awards, Cybersecurity World Awards®, Disruptor Company Awards, Golden Bridge Awards®, Information Technology World Awards®, Leadership Awards, Sales, Marketing, & Customer Success Awards, and the Women In Business Awards®. Learn more about the Globee Awards at

About Lattice Semiconductor

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC) is the low power programmable leader. We solve customer problems across the network, from the Edge to the Cloud, in the growing Communications, Computing, Industrial, Automotive, and Consumer markets. Our technology, long-standing relationships, and commitment to world-class support let our customers quickly and easily unleash their innovation to create a smart, secure, and connected world.

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Fonte: Business Wire

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