Airgain Signs Global Distribution Agreement with Techship

$AIRG #5g--Airgain, Inc. (NASDAQ: AIRG), a leading provider of wireless connectivity solutions that creates and delivers embedded components, external antennas, and integrated systems across the globe...

Autore: Business Wire

Under the agreement, Techship will distribute the NimbeLink® family of plug-in cellular modems globally, supporting OEMs in designing and producing connected devices.

SAN DIEGO: $AIRG #5g--Airgain, Inc. (NASDAQ: AIRG), a leading provider of wireless connectivity solutions that creates and delivers embedded components, external antennas, and integrated systems across the globe, announced that it signed a distribution agreement with Techship, Inc. for its NimbeLink® product line of embedded cellular modems and other wireless-enabled products. Under the agreement, Techship will distribute Airgain’s NimbeLink family of plug-in cellular modems globally, supporting OEMs in designing and producing connected devices.

“With our new agreement with Techship, Airgain expands its product distribution on two continents,” said Lance Laing, Vice President of US Sales for Airgain. “Techship’s hyper-focus on embedded wireless designs combined with its strong presence in the European market allow us to capitalize on the interest we have seen in these key geographies. We are excited to work with the Techship team to simplify bringing wireless products to market.”

About the benefits for customers he added, “All NimbeLink cellular embedded modems are end-device certified, meaning customer end-products do not need to go through the complex and costly process of PTCRB and carrier certifications. This is ideal for global companies expanding into the American and European markets who want to save time and money while shortening timelines to launch.”

Airgain’s award-winning NimbeLink family of patented end-device certified embedded modem products are designed in the US and built with the same twenty-pin connector, allowing engineers to incorporate future cellular technologies without board-level changes. This dramatically reduces the cost, risks, and timelines of IoT product development. NimbleLink offers the latest 4G LTE technologies, including LTE-M, NB-IoT, LTE CAT1 and LTE CAT4.

“Techship gains a unique range of embedded cellular solutions with the addition of Airgain’s NimbeLink modems to our line card. Integrating Airgain’s products is an excellent choice for companies focused on shortening their time-to-market,” said John Alexander, Product Manager for Techship, Inc.

Expanding on the new offering, he stated, “We guide thousands of global companies through deploying wireless solutions in their desired launch regions. Navigating the tedious certification journey in every regional market often involves high costs and extra development time. With Airgain’s end-device certified modems, however, we can offer companies a quicker path to global deployment.”

Fonte: Business Wire

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