Qnergy Unveils API for Enhanced Connectivity to Its Dashboard Platform

Qnergy, the leader in mitigating methane emissions, announced today that it has launched an Application Programming Interface (API), furthering its commitment to providing reliable methane abatement s...

Autore: Business Wire

The API advances connectivity, offering ease of integration for methane reporting into any software platform

OGDEN, Utah: Qnergy, the leader in mitigating methane emissions, announced today that it has launched an Application Programming Interface (API), furthering its commitment to providing reliable methane abatement solutions. With technology such as satellite surveillance to detect methane emissions on the rise, industries such as oil and gas are faced with the pressure to both monitor and mitigate emissions. Qnergy is at the forefront of this mission, enabling its customers to both deploy reliable, cost-effective equipment to reduce or eliminate emissions and software to comply with the EPA’s OOOO regulations.

The API allows Qnergy Dashboard users to integrate Dashboard data securely and seamlessly into the customer’s existing software tools.

Key features of the API integration include:

  • Access to Real-Time Data: Enables critical and real-time data flow between various hardware systems, eliminating delays and ensuring that users have access to the most up-to-date information.
  • Enhanced Monitoring: Provides users with comprehensive visibility of their Qnergy systems along with other equipment in one place, allowing for proactive maintenance, troubleshooting, and optimization of performance.
  • Compatibility Across Platforms: Designed to integrate effortlessly with the user’s existing software infrastructures, ensuring minimal disruption to operations during implementation.
  • "Our new API integration represents a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to seamless, accurate reporting of methane emissions," explains Ory Zik, Qnergy’s CEO. "We are proud to deliver reliable tools and technology to help mitigate and now measure methane emissions directly from the source."

    For more information on how to eliminate methane emissions from oil and gas operations, visit https://qnergy.com/productlines/

    About Qnergy:

    Qnergy provides solutions to the distributed methane challenge. With the remarkable capabilities of our linear Free Piston Stirling Engine (FPSE), we provide a dependable source of clean energy using raw, unprocessed methane. To date, we have successfully deployed thousands of units, resulting in the reduction of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of methane emissions.

    Fonte: Business Wire

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