Spencer Health Solutions Releases New Version of spencerAssist™ Mobile Application

#caregiverapp--Spencer Health Solutions (SHS) announced today the release of an updated version of its mobile application, spencerAssist™, as part of the spencer® platform supporting chronic care m...

Autore: Business Wire

New application provides additional support to patients and caregivers from the home

MORRISVILLE, N.C.: #caregiverapp--Spencer Health Solutions (SHS) announced today the release of an updated version of its mobile application, spencerAssist™, as part of the spencer® platform supporting chronic care management patients, clinical trial patients, and patients taking approved specialty medications. This new mobile application is adjunctive to the spencer SmartHub™, an intelligent medication dispenser that promotes near-perfect medication adherence, collects longitudinal real-world data, and engages patients over long periods of time.

“The new spencerAssist mobile application provides an extra level of support to patients struggling with chronic conditions and those participating in clinical trials, as well as their caregivers,” said Tom Rhoads, founder and chief executive officer of Spencer Health Solutions. “We are committed to the continual improvement and expansion of our platform as part of our mission to provide more independence to a wide variety of patients across the globe.”

The new spencerAssist application was designed from the ground up based on a complete rethinking of user experience. The application provides many of the features of the spencer SmartHub – including medication reminders, survey questions and telehealth appointments – from the patient’s smartphone to support patients when they are using spencer’s Meds on the Go feature away from their homes. Patients can also provide access to their statistics, reminders, and history to caregivers and loved ones to allow easier oversight of medication management.

The spencer platform collects longitudinal insights from patients that can be leveraged to generate patient interventional support strategies while promoting positive health behaviors. For example, patients enrolled in the spencer program exhibit 97% daily medication adherence across a variety of diseases and medications. The spencerAssist application is available in English, Spanish, French and Dutch for both iOS and Android smartphones.

About Spencer Health Solutions

Spencer Health Solutions is a digital health technology provider dedicated to improving patient engagement and medication adherence for clinical trials and commercial pharmaceutical programs, while also easing the burden of medication management for patients and caregivers. Headquartered near North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park, Spencer Health Solutions’ award-winning spencer® SmartHub provides real-time monitoring of patients’ behaviors and patterns that results in improved drug persistency, patient retention, and health outcomes. For more information, visit www.spencerhealthsolutions.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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