Adva Network Security launches strategic project within European collaboration to create sovereign clouds

Adva Network Security announced today that it is launching a nationally funded project to develop cloud-optimized, secure network access technology. As part of the Important Projects of Common Europea...

Autore: Business Wire

News summary:

BERLIN: Adva Network Security announced today that it is launching a nationally funded project to develop cloud-optimized, secure network access technology. As part of the Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI), a comprehensive funding initiative is underway to create scalable, real-time and open Next-Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI-CIS) aimed at ensuring digital sovereignty. Among the 19 German companies participating, Adva Network Security is responsible for developing highly secure network access technology featuring an integrated edge cloud and software solution for robust operation. The solution will be an essential component of a European independent cloud platform, enabling the rapid processing of mission-critical and sensitive data at the network edge.

“The security of mission-critical networks poses major challenges for operators: Quantum computing threatens to compromise established security mechanisms, while the push for digitization requires fast and trusted data processing at the edge of networks. Our project within IPCEI-CIS addresses both of these problems and offers very simple operation through automation,” said Wolfgang Keil, senior director of cybersecurity project management at Adva Network Security. “Leveraging our experience in quantum security, protected hosting and the operation of high-security networks, we’re developing highly secure access to the European cloud. This includes protected hosting of virtualized network functions at the edge, enabling sensitive data to be processed safely and quickly on-site before being transferred securely to the cloud.”

The TRUsted cloud connectivity for automated Endpoint SECurity (TRUE-SEC) project was launched on January 1, 2024, and will run for three years. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection based on a resolution of the German Bundestag and financed by the European Union. Its mission is to create an innovative solution for secure network access. Renowned for its expertise in the high-security network domain, Adva Network Security has been entrusted with developing this critical component for an end-to-end European cloud infrastructure. In collaboration with many project partners, IPCEI-CIS aims to establish a standardized, open and sustainable cloud infrastructure that ensures future-proof security for data services that are compliant with stringent regulatory requirements. The initiative marks a crucial step in advancing autonomous and sovereign cloud technology across Europe.

“Already deployed across numerous high-security networks, our technology safeguards some of the most sensitive and mission-critical data. Yet, new threat scenarios require continuous improvement. Through our participation in the IPCEI-CIS initiative, we’re making an important contribution to the sovereignty of European cloud infrastructure and services,” commented Michael Roth, GM of Adva Network Security. “The funding will enable us to expand our competence center for network security in Berlin. Our growing team of cybersecurity and network specialists is playing a vital role in driving the security – and thereby the acceptance – of cloud services through innovative and technologically sophisticated solutions. We’re proud to be able to make this contribution and honored to help shape Germany’s digital future.”

About Adva Network Security

Adva Network Security has built a fierce reputation for protecting packet optical networks. We pioneered low-latency, multi-layer encryption solutions that are right now safeguarding data in motion for many mission-critical applications. Our ConnectGuard™ security technology is even combating tomorrow’s quantum security threats. Built by the industry’s leading security experts, our German-based organization helps organizations and government agencies security-harden their networks to ensure critical infrastructure is protected against cyber threats. Our development and manufacturing processes, as well as our security solutions, have been approved and certified by leading governmental security agencies. For more information on how we can help you, please visit

Published by
Adva Network Security GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Fonte: Business Wire

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