Advanced Cloud Firewalls May Leave Enterprise Cloud Investments Open To Data Breaches - SecureIQLab

SecureIQLab LLC, the premier cloud validation provider, today announced the release of the findings of their ground-breaking 2024 Advanced Cloud Firewall (ACFW) security validation report. With 83% of...

Autore: Business Wire

AUSTIN, Texas: SecureIQLab LLC, the premier cloud validation provider, today announced the release of the findings of their ground-breaking 2024 Advanced Cloud Firewall (ACFW) security validation report. With 83% of companies reporting breaches, and the constantly accelerating adoption of cloud infrastructure services, robust protection of enterprise cloud assets has never been more critical.

With only four products out of 12 standing out for exemplary performance, with the average security efficacy for these solutions found to be a scant 67%. Chief Security Scientist Jayendra Pathak added, “Enterprises need easily manageable security solutions to prevent employee burnout as well as security lapses induced by overly complex solutions.”

Senior Security Analyst Randy Abrams added, “SecureIQLab measured operational efficiency across several scenarios. Operational efficiency goes hand in hand with security efficacy. Without real-world metrics around the operational metrics of their security solutions, enterprise IT decision makers lack the data required to fully understand the real-world cost of these solutions.”

According to Chief Scientist Jayendra Pathak, “Employing over 1,000 attacks across four vectors that are most commonly utilized by threat actors, SecureIQLab has uncovered significant deficiencies in the ability of most ACFWs to protect enterprises, and by extension, the entire supply chain.”

David Ellis, VP of Research and Corporate Relations also noted, “The results should have businesses looking very closely at the positioning of defense-in-depth tactics to compensate for any protection deficiencies. If you can’t do anything about the efficacy of your ACFWs, you can compensate for deficiencies by the careful selection of complimentary security solutions.”

Full results of the comparative, as well as individual results of the vendor’s ACFW solutions can be found at Reach out to SecureIQLab for more information about the performance of cloud-based security solutions, as well as inclusion in future tests.

About SecureIQLab

SecureIQLab is a US-based independent, third-party cloud security solution validation and advisory provider. SecureIQLab’s cloud security methodology is tailored to what enterprises want, blending research, risk management and data modeling performed by our deep bench of domain experts. SecureIQLab is a member of the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (AMTSO), NetSecOPEN, and Association of Anti-Virus Researchers (AVAR).

Fonte: Business Wire

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