Credo to Participate in CEO Panel at Optica Executive Forum at OFC 2024

Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd (“Credo”) (Nasdaq: CRDO), an innovator in providing secure, high-speed connectivity solutions that deliver improved power efficiency, today announced that Credo ...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN JOSE, Calif.: Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd (“Credo”) (Nasdaq: CRDO), an innovator in providing secure, high-speed connectivity solutions that deliver improved power efficiency, today announced that Credo President and CEO, Bill Brennan, will participate in the CEO Panel session at the upcoming Optica Executive Forum taking place during the 2024 Optical Fiber Conference.

Location: Hilton San Diego Bayfront
Time: Monday, March 25th, 2:30 PT

Panel Description: The CEO Panel explores firsthand the diverse perspectives of these accomplished CEOs from public companies in the optical communication market as they discuss how they’ve navigated their organizations through change and uncertainty. Learn about what are the challenges and opportunities ahead and what keeps them awake at night.

To view the full suite of Optica Executive Forum sessions and speakers please visit Forum attendees are encouraged to visit Credo at booth 3601 to learn more about Credo technology.

Bill Brennan Biography

For more than 25 years, Bill Brennan has been leading and scaling organizations to deliver steady revenue growth and profit. Bill joined Credo in 2013 and has led the organization to greater than 90% CAGR revenue growth since 2014 while achieving profitability for more than five consecutive years. Bill has overseen the scaling of Credo’s organization from 15 employees in 2013 to more than 475 employees today. Prior to Credo, Bill served as Vice President, Storage Business Unit of Marvell Semiconductor for eleven years. Prior to Marvell, he held sales management positions with NEC and Texas Instruments. Bill received his BSEE degree from the University of Colorado.

About Credo

Our mission is to deliver high-speed solutions to break bandwidth barriers on every wired connection in the data infrastructure market. Credo is an innovator in providing secure, high-speed connectivity solutions that deliver improved power efficiency as data rates and corresponding bandwidth requirements increase exponentially throughout the data infrastructure market. Our innovations ease system bandwidth bottlenecks while simultaneously improving on power, security, and reliability. Our connectivity solutions are optimized for optical and electrical Ethernet applications, including the emerging 100G (or Gigabits per second), 200G, 400G, 800G and the emerging 1.6T (or Terabits per second) port markets. Credo products are based on our proprietary Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes) and Digital Signal Processor (DSP) technologies. Our product families include Integrated Circuits (ICs) for the optical and line card markets, Active Electrical Cables (AECs) and SerDes Chiplets. Our intellectual property (IP) solutions consist primarily of SerDes IP licensing.

For more information, please visit Follow Credo on LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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