Citynet Upgrades Backbone Network To IP Infusion

#Citynet--IP Infusion, the market leader in carrier-grade networking software systems, announced today that Citynet, the IT Brand of Hall AG has upgraded its Cisco backbone network with IP Infusion Oc...

Autore: Business Wire

Central municipal services provider for the town of Hall in Tirol, Austria upgrades from Cisco to OcNOS and Edgecore Networks

SANTA CLARA, Calif.: #Citynet--IP Infusion, the market leader in carrier-grade networking software systems, announced today that Citynet, the IT Brand of Hall AG has upgraded its Cisco backbone network with IP Infusion OcNOS. This upgrade was deployed on Edgecore Networks hardware, and serviced by STORDIS Gmbh, the open networking expert.

Hall AG, the central municipal services provider for the town of Hall in Tirol, Austria, is a Internet Service Provider with a mixed customer base. Under their brand Citynet, they currently serve 5,000 customers and provide a variety of reliable networking and connectivity solutions for regional and international businesses.

Facing growing bandwidth demand, Citynet evaluated its existing options; pandemic market shortages of hardware, overall growing bandwidth demand and other factors created a challenging upgrade environment. An open networking upgrade solution developed by STORDIS Gmbh provided feature parity with other upgrade options, with the advantages of immediate hardware availability and a market-competitive price.

“IP Infusion’s industry-standard CLI aided the transition immensely,” said Matthias Feistmantl, Senior Network Operations Engineer and Architect for Citynet. “The OcNOS feature set is extensive, and the product roadmap is compelling and timely. Their great after-sales support was appreciated in aiding the upgrade process.”

“This is a powerful use case for open networking, where both the features and the price are at the top of their class,” said Atsushi Ogata, President and CEO of IP Infusion. “OcNOS continues to demonstrate its significant competitive attributes and that it is the modern network platform, from the backbone to the edge.”

About IP Infusion

IP Infusion manufactures open network software and solutions for carriers, service providers and data centers. With hundreds of customers and thousands of deployments, IP Infusion is a market leader in Network Operating Systems. Our flagship software platform OcNOS® allows network operators to disaggregate their networks, streamline operations, and reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Network OEMs may also disaggregate network devices to expedite time to market, offer comprehensive services, and achieve carrier-grade robustness.

IP Infusion is headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., and is a wholly owned and independently operated subsidiary of ACCESS CO., LTD. Additional information can be found at

IP Infusion and OcNOS are trademarks or registered trademarks of IP Infusion. ACCESS is a registered trademark or trademark of ACCESS CO., LTD. in the United States, Japan and/or other countries. Northforge Innovations is a registered trademark of Northforge Innovations, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

Fonte: Business Wire

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