Decision Sciences International Corporation Announces Breakthrough, Passive Human Detection Capability for Discovery®

Decision Sciences International Corporation (Decision Sciences or DSIC) has developed a groundbreaking Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) capability based on its unique Charged Particle (Muon) Tomography ...

Autore: Business Wire

Decision Sciences, a provider of advanced security and contraband detection systems launches its new Human Detection Capability for its Discovery® system at this year’s World Border Security Congress

POWAY, Calif.: Decision Sciences International Corporation (Decision Sciences or DSIC) has developed a groundbreaking Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) capability based on its unique Charged Particle (Muon) Tomography technology, already capable of detecting contraband and anomalies such as drugs, weapons, chemicals, unshielded and shielded radiological and nuclear materials, even inside bulk truck cargoes and containers, penetrating cover loads such as produce, ice and water, salts, gravel and aggregate, steel and lead. DSIC’s passive Discovery® system does not generate any harmful radiation as does x-ray, and is intrinsically safe for the user, the cargo, and any human beings that may be hidden in the cargo.

Discovery® inherently uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the latest Machine Learning (ML) to produce a revolutionary 3-dimensional image and is capable of scanning dense cargoes that x-ray systems cannot penetrate. Now, in response to customer requirements, Decision Sciences has developed a new and revolutionary algorithm to safely detect human beings hidden inside containers and cargoes. As Kevin Davies, DSIC’s Chief Commercial Officer stated: “This is a real game-changer in the fight against human trafficking globally. Decision Sciences has just completed proof-of-concept trials of its new and unique AI/ML advancement and plans to deploy its human detection capability to a first adopter customer within the next 3-6 months.”

The Discovery® system is uniquely able to penetrate all the organic shielding cargoes, that can generally defeat x-ray, such as bulk fruit consignments, frozen goods in reefer containers, wheat, coffee, etc. Moreover, the Discovery® system’s visualization provides unlimited viewing angles in 3D slices with material discrimination and creates intuitive 3D imagery in as little as 60 seconds.

As Discovery® is a totally passive system, no safety zone is needed, which significantly reduces the requirements for civil works radiation protection. Moreover, since there are no moving parts and the Discovery® system only requires one operator, maintenance costs are very low, and the system has exceptional lifetime Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) benefits and is operationally available over 98% of the time.

Discovery® systems have already been installed around the world with the most recent deployments in Singapore and Abu Dhabi. “These intrinsically powerful and completely safe systems are surely part of the layered detection approach for Customs and Border protection and other agencies globally,” said Dwight Johnson, President and CEO of Decision Sciences, “and we look forward to rolling out DSIC’s new and exciting human detection capability to both new and existing customers.”

About Decision Sciences

Decision Sciences, a provider of advanced security and contraband detection systems, has its headquarters and an R&D center in Poway, California with offices in Virginia. Decision Sciences brings together cutting-edge science, hardware, and software development, AI algorithms alongside systems integration and manufacturing to improve the safety and security of the global community. Based on revolutionary and disruptive technology originally invented by physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Discovery® Multi Mode Passive Detection System (MMPDS) was subsequently developed with considerable private sector investment and expertise. The Discovery® system is a totally passive, safe, and effective, scanning system for quickly detecting, locating, and identifying unshielded to heavily shielded radiological and nuclear threats, explosives and other contraband including weapons, alcohol, cigarettes/tobacco, drugs/narcotics, precious metals, smuggled humans and numerous other items of interest and anomalies. The core Muon tomography technology inherent in the Discovery® system also has wide ranging applications beyond the security arena, including in the medical, mining, energy and manufacturing industries and can facilitate the efficient, effective collection and aggregation of significant amounts of previously unavailable data in these areas.

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Fonte: Business Wire

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