DataStax and Microsoft Collaborate to Make it Easier to Build Enterprise Generative AI and RAG Applications with Legacy Data

DataStax, the generative AI data company, today announced a milestone in its journey to simplify enterprise retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for developers by integrating with Microsoft Semantic K...

Autore: Business Wire

Integration Enables Enterprises to Use DataStax Astra DB with Semantic Kernel To Simplify Development of Powerful GenAI Applications and AI Agents

SANTA CLARA, Calif.: DataStax, the generative AI data company, today announced a milestone in its journey to simplify enterprise retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for developers by integrating with Microsoft Semantic Kernel. Companies often have hundreds of existing applications that they want to bring into the AI world. This integration enables developers to more easily build RAG applications and vectorize data with Astra DB and Microsoft's ecosystem of AI products and copilots using Semantic Kernel’s open source SDK for AI applications and agents.

Developers are seeking solutions to streamline the development of more powerful RAG (retrieval augmented generation) applications and AI agents. DataStax has integrated Astra DB as a vector database with Microsoft's open source Semantic Kernel so that any C#, Python, or full-stack application developers can more easily build RAG applications and AI agents that use their enterprise data using Semantic Kernel’s unique features for managing contextual conversations, multi-step functions and connections with the Microsoft AI ecosystem.

Semantic Kernel is a highly extensible open-source SDK that lets developers easily build agents that can call to existing code and can be used with orchestration models like OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, GitHub CoPilot, and Hugging Face. Key features of Semantic Kernel include semantic functions, chaining capabilities, planners, and connectors for various enterprise applications and data sources. Integrating these features with Astra DB adds the power of a vector database that provides both vector and structured data with high relevancy, ultra-low latency, and global-scale to AI applications and agents built leveraging Semantic Kernel.

“It’s amazing to see the work of DataStax and Astra DB and the collaboration with Microsoft’s Semantic Kernel to build AI agents and RAG applications with ease,“ said Matthew Bolaños, Group Program Manager for Semantic Kernel, at Microsoft.

“Out of the box RAG solutions are in high demand and are a pivotal differentiator for enterprises building GenAI applications because of the complexities and many obstacles that developers face,” said Ed Anuff, CPO, DataStax. “The integration between Astra DB and Semantic Kernel goes beyond technical upgrades, it opens the doors to a spectrum of generative AI use-cases, ranging from tailored customer support to insightful product recommendations. It's not just about simplifying development; it's about fostering the creation of more intelligent, responsive, and personalized generative AI applications that have the potential to reshape entire industries.”

"Our dedication to advancing AI technology in regulated sectors like healthcare is unwavering. Skypoint is at the forefront of developing and applying practical use cases and solutions through our industry-specific AI platform (AIP), aimed at enriching patient care and fostering transformative experiences," stated Tisson Mathew, CEO and founder of Skypoint. “The integration of Semantic Kernel into Astra DB is a game-changer for us, enhancing the way insights are generated and conveyed to our users through private AI Copilots, elevating every experience across the continuum of care.”

For more information, read the DataStax blog on this collaboration with Microsoft and the RAG capabilities on Astra DB here.

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About DataStax

DataStax, the GenAI data company, helps developers and companies successfully create a bold new world through GenAI. We offer a one-stop Generative AI Stack with everything needed for a faster, easier, path to production for relevant and responsive GenAI applications. DataStax delivers a RAG-first developer experience, with first-class integrations into leading AI ecosystem partners, so we work out with developers’ existing stacks of choice. Anyone can quickly build smart, high-growth AI applications at unlimited scale, on any cloud. Hundreds of the world’s leading enterprises, including Audi, Bud Financial, Capital One, SkyPoint Cloud, and many more, rely on DataStax to deliver GenAI. Learn more at

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Fonte: Business Wire

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