Dynamic Systems, Inc. Awarded by Northrop Grumman for Supplier Excellence AND Top Small Business

Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has recognized Dynamic Systems, Inc. during the company’s Supplier Excellence Awards. “Dynamic Systems, Inc. has helped to advance national security solutio...

Autore: Business Wire

LOS ANGELES: Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has recognized Dynamic Systems, Inc. during the company’s Supplier Excellence Awards.

“Dynamic Systems, Inc. has helped to advance national security solutions and achieve mission success,” said Matt Bromberg, Corporate Vice President, Global Operations Northrop Grumman. “Northrop Grumman’s supplier partners connect and protect the warfighter, defining what is possible in the battlespace because of our shared commitment to the highest industry standards across the defense industrial base.”

Recognized for two awards, Top Small Business (1 of only 5) and Quality Excellence, Dynamic Systems, Inc. was instrumental in aiding Northrop Grumman with digital transformation goals as the industry works to support Department of Defense customers and other commercial entities.

“As a consultant and supplier of advanced technology solutions, Dynamic Systems is honored to be recognized by Northrop Grumman as one of their Top Small Business partners and quality suppliers,” stated Mardi Norman, CEO of Dynamic Systems, Inc. “Our mission aligns with Northrop Grumman’s to help our clients move, manage and protect digital assets for reliable outcomes.”

Northrop Grumman is a leading global aerospace and defense technology company. Our pioneering solutions equip our customers with the capabilities to connect and protect the world and push the boundaries of human exploration across the universe. Driven by a shared purpose to solve our customers’ most challenging problems, our employees define possible daily.

Dynamic Systems is an award-winning Digital Transformation partner with over 30 years of experience in the public sector. Our team of experts helps improve the flow and access of your data while strengthening security, modernizing your IT infrastructure, and seamlessly migrating data to the Cloud.

Fonte: Business Wire

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