Go!Foton Advances Dual-DAS Concept Model Enabling Precision Entangled Network Surveillance

Go!Foton, a world leader in optical fiber networking solutions for service providers and data centers, will be showcasing its latest breakthrough in Dual Distributed Acoustic Sensing (Dual DAS) for pr...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN DIEGO: Go!Foton, a world leader in optical fiber networking solutions for service providers and data centers, will be showcasing its latest breakthrough in Dual Distributed Acoustic Sensing (Dual DAS) for precision network surveillance at this year’s Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition (OFC). The Conference will be held at the San Diego Convention Center from March 25-28th.

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a photonics-based technology that transforms fiber-optic cables into sensors - virtual microphones – which detect sound waves caused by minor changes in the fiber, offering immediate insights into the fiber's surroundings. By sending light pulses through the fibers (light or dark) and analyzing the reflected light (Rayleigh Scattering), DAS can continuously monitor vibrations along the cable without affecting telecom services.

Combined with Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers (OTDR), DAS captures changes in light reflection caused by external factors, providing critical information about the acoustic environment around the fiber. Over the past few decades, this technology has supported essential monitoring applications for the transportation, energy, law enforcement, healthcare, environmental, and smart cities sectors.

Go!Foton will demonstrate two novel improvements to traditional DAS implementations by simultaneously entangling multiple locations in a fiber network using both optical power meters and polarization OTDRs while wasting no optical energy in either transmitted power or Rayleigh back-scattering power. The result is an intelligent mesh network capable of monitoring Rayleigh backscatter in both directions along the length of an optical fiber as well as the incident power level at remote locations.

According to Go!Foton CTO Dr. David Z. Chen, “The Go!Foton Dual-DAS represents a major advance in photonics which will allow future optical networks to be surveilled with a degree of precision never before imagined, especially when leveraged with generative AI capabilities and machine learning. Dual-DAS deployments will dramatically improve network performance and reliability and will generate significant reductions in OPEX by allowing a more predictive and proactive approach to dealing with perturbations in the layer 0 physical infrastructure.”

Go!Foton is located at OFC booth #2813. A working dual-DAS prototype will be on full display for those inclined to come and explore the limitless possibilities.

Go!Foton (www.GoFoton.com) brings innovation to the market with proven expertise in optics and photonics that solves real world problems for its customers with a scalable and customized approach. The company serves the telecom and data center markets with long haul, metro, and broadband wireline and wireless access applications, and also supplies optical materials and components to the imaging, medical, and instrumentation industries. A global enterprise with sales offices in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, Go!Foton maintains R&D and manufacturing facilities in the U.S., Japan, China, and the Philippines.

Fonte: Business Wire

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