Winners Named in IDC Government Insights' Seventh Annual Smart Cities North America Awards

#IDCSmartCitiesAward--IDC Government Insights today named the winners in the seventh annual Smart Cities North America Awards (SCNAA). The awards were designed to recognize the progress North American...

Autore: Business Wire

15 municipalities recognized for success in leveraging emerging technology and innovation to support Smart City initiatives

NEEDHAM, Mass.: #IDCSmartCitiesAward--IDC Government Insights today named the winners in the seventh annual Smart Cities North America Awards (SCNAA). The awards were designed to recognize the progress North American states and municipalities have made in executing Smart Cities projects, as well as providing a forum for sharing best practices to help accelerate Smart City development in the region. Winners will be honored at Smart Cities Connect being held May 7–10, 2024, at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, NC. To learn more about the event, please visit

Winners in the SCNAA illustrate best practice examples of how forward-thinking municipalities are effectively leveraging technology and innovation to offer sustainable new services and economic opportunities and to meet the needs and expectations of their diverse communities. The following municipalities are recognized for unprecedented progress in creating and sustaining smart city projects across the following 14 categories:

1. Administration (e.g., Back Office, Digital Legislating)

2. Civic Engagement (e.g., Open Data, City Portals, 311 Apps)

3. Data-Driven Policing (e.g., Real-time Crime Centers, Officer Wearables, Video Analytics)

4. Next-Generation Emergency Services (e.g., Next Gen 911, Early Warning Systems)

5. Digital Equity and Accessibility (e.g., Public Wi-Fi, Accessibility Services, ADA Compliance)

6. Economic Development, Tourism, Arts, Libraries, Culture, Open Spaces (e.g., Connected Museums, Event Management, Digital Currencies, Augmented Reality Tourism)

7. Education (e.g., Smart Campus, Smart Classrooms, Virtual Offerings, Online and Remote Services)

8. Public Health and Social Services (e.g., Addiction Monitoring and Prevention, Predictive Disease Management, Humanitarian Services)

9. Smart Buildings (e.g., Capacity Planning, Return-to-Work Programs, Sustainability and Security Systems)

10. Smart Water (e.g., Water Conservation and Management, Smart Metering, Waste Reduction Efforts)

11. Sustainable Infrastructure (e.g., Smart Lighting, Waste Collection, Environmental Monitoring, Resiliency)

12. Transportation (e.g., Connected & Autonomous Vehicles, Public Transit, Ride-Hailing/Ride-Sharing, Electric Vehicles, Universal Mobility) - TIE

13. Transportation Infrastructure (e.g., Parking, Transit Hubs; Traffic Management and Equipment for Connected and/or Autonomous Vehicles. EV Charging Infrastructure)

14. Urban Planning and Land Use (e.g., Permitting, Licensing, Inspection & Zoning; Digital Twins, Community Resiliency)

"Our annual Smart Cities North America Awards showcase technology innovations and ecosystem partnerships that bring value to the public and provide a blueprint for success. Congratulations to our 15 award winners who have deployed services that are impacting the public as well as public sector employees and show a continued commitment to equity, inclusion, and environmental sustainability," said Ruthbea Yesner, vice president, IDC Government Insights and Smart Cities and Communities Strategies. "We are thrilled to witness the continued dedication by government and education officials and technology partners to develop smart city initiatives for smart, sustainable outcomes."

For additional information about these awards or to speak with Ruthbea Yesner, please contact Mary Conroy at

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IDC Government Insights assists government policy, program, and IT leaders, as well as the suppliers who serve them, in making more effective technology decisions by providing accurate, timely, and insightful fact-based research and consulting services. Staffed by senior analysts with decades of government and IT industry experience, our global research analyzes and advises on business and technology issues facing the Federal/Central and local/provincial Governments. International Data Corporation (IDC) is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology market. IDC is a subsidiary of IDG, the world’s leading technology, media, research, and events company. For more information, please visit or email

Fonte: Business Wire

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