Appriss Retail Names Industry Veteran and Innovator Dean Abbott Chief Data Scientist

Appriss Retail, a leading provider of data and analytics solutions designed to reduce retail losses, decrease returns, and provide a more seamless consumer experience, announced today that Dean Abbott...

Autore: Business Wire

Abbott holds more than three decades of experience in customer analytics, fraud detection, and risk modeling

IRVINE, Calif.: Appriss Retail, a leading provider of data and analytics solutions designed to reduce retail losses, decrease returns, and provide a more seamless consumer experience, announced today that Dean Abbott has joined the team as the company’s chief data scientist. The news comes amid Appriss Retail’s recent solution advancements and global expansion.

Abbott will work with Appriss Retail’s global retail customers to optimize data and analytical processes in his new role as chief data scientist. He will be responsible for leading Appriss Retail’s data science and modeling teams and finding efficiencies in data operations, analytics, and modeling. Abbott will also be essential to the development of new analytical products.

“Dean offers a unique perspective on leveraging analytics to drive business growth and enhance customer expectations,” said Michael Osborne, CEO, Appriss Retail. “His experience aligns perfectly with Appriss Retail’s objectives of delivering the utmost value to our customers and prospects.”

An internationally recognized expert with over 30 years of experience in customer analytics, fraud detection, risk modeling, text mining, and survey analysis, Abbott was the co-founder and chief data scientist at SmarterHQ, a cross-channel personalization solution provider. The company was acquired by Wunderkind in 2020, where he served as chief data scientist until 2023.

“Appriss Retail has compiled an exceptional team of experts across retail, analytics, and loss prevention,” added Abbott. “I’m looking forward to joining the team and continuing to capitalize on the company’s impressive innovation and accelerated growth.”

Additionally, Abbott is the founder and president of Abbott Analytics, and a Bodily Bicentennial Professor of Analytics at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. He is also the author of “Applied Predictive Analytics,” the co-author of “The IBM SPSS Modeler Cookbook,” and a sought-after keynote speaker.

To learn more about Appriss Retail’s extensive loss prevention expertise, industry-leading solutions, and global presence, visit

About Appriss Retail

Appriss Retail provides AI-driven analytics and real-time, integrated recommendations focused on identifying and mitigating theft, fraud, and abuse, while shaping positive experiences for profitable consumers. Used by more than 60 of the Top 100 omnichannel retailers, the company’s SaaS solutions improve retail profitability by reducing fraud and abuse, minimizing ecommerce claims and appeasements, and preventing losses caused by employee theft and turnover. For more information about Appriss Retail, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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