Motorola Solutions Reports First-Quarter 2024 Financial Results

Motorola Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: MSI) today reported its earnings results for the first quarter of 2024. “Q1 was an outstanding quarter, with record Q1 revenue in both segments and record Q1 cash flo...

Autore: Business Wire

Company raises full-year revenue and earnings outlook following strong Q1 results

CHICAGO: Motorola Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: MSI) today reported its earnings results for the first quarter of 2024.

“Q1 was an outstanding quarter, with record Q1 revenue in both segments and record Q1 cash flow,” said Greg Brown, chairman and CEO, Motorola Solutions. “Our continued robust backlog and strong balance sheet position us well going forward. As a result, we’re raising both our revenue and earnings expectations for the full year.”

KEY FINANCIAL RESULTS (presented in millions, except per share data and percentages)


Q1 2024


Q1 2023

% Change





10 %






Operating Earnings




30 %

% of Sales

21.7 %


18.4 %






(114) %






Operating Earnings




20 %

% of Sales

26.7 %


24.5 %






27 %

Products and Systems Integration Segment









14 %

GAAP Operating Earnings




76 %

% of Sales

20.8 %


13.5 %


Non-GAAP Operating Earnings3




50 %

% of Sales

24.8 %


18.9 %


Software and Services Segment









4 %

GAAP Operating Earnings




(6) %

% of Sales

23.2 %


25.7 %


Non-GAAP Operating Earnings3




(6) %

% of Sales

29.8 %


32.9 %


1Details regarding this non-GAAP measure and the use of non-GAAP measures are included later in this news release.


2A $3.42 pre-tax non-operating loss on the extinguishment of the Silver Lake convertible debt recorded during Q1 2024 is calculated as the loss of $585 million divided by dilutive shares of 171.3 million, which represents the dilutive share count that the company would have reported in the quarter if not for the loss due to this transaction.


3Non-GAAP financial information excludes the after-tax impact of approximately $3.04 per diluted share related to highlighted items, including the loss from the extinguishment of Silver Lake convertible debt, share-based compensation expense and intangible assets amortization expense. Details regarding these non-GAAP adjustments and the use of non-GAAP measures are included later in this news release.



Software and Services

Products and Systems Integration


The company has not quantitatively reconciled its guidance for forward-looking non-GAAP metrics to their most comparable GAAP measures because the company does not provide specific guidance for the various reconciling items as certain items that impact these measures have not occurred, are out of the company’s control, or cannot be reasonably predicted. Accordingly, a reconciliation to the most comparable GAAP financial metric is not available without unreasonable effort. Please note that the unavailable reconciling items could significantly impact the company’s results.



In October 2021, the Competition and Markets Authority ("CMA") opened a market investigation into the Mobile Radio Network Services market. This investigation included Airwave, the company's private mobile radio communications network that it acquired in 2016. Airwave provides mission-critical voice and data communications to emergency services and other agencies in Great Britain.

In 2023, the CMA imposed a legal order on Airwave which implemented the Charge Control. After the Competition Appeal Tribunal ("CAT") dismissed the company's appeal of the CMA's final decision on December 22, 2023, the company filed an application with the United Kingdom Court of Appeal on February 13, 2024, requesting that it hear the company's appeal of the CAT judgment; the Court of Appeal has not yet responded to this request. Since August 1, 2023, revenue under the Airwave contract has been recognized in accordance with the Charge Control, and will continue to be unless the United Kingdom Court of Appeal were to reverse the CAT's judgment and overturn the Charge Control.

On March 13, 2024, the company received a notice of contract extension (the “Deferred National Shutdown Notice”) from the U.K. Home Office. The Deferred National Shutdown Notice extends the “national shutdown target date” of the Airwave service from December 31, 2026 to December 31, 2029, at the Charge Control rates.

The company's backlog for Airwave services contracted with the U.K. Home Office through December 31, 2026 was previously reduced by $777 million to align with the Charge Control. In the first quarter of 2024, as a result of the U.K. Home Office's notice of a contract extension pursuant to their Deferred National Shutdown Notice, the company has recorded additional backlog of $748 million to reflect the incremental three years of services. On April 11, 2024, the company filed proceedings in the U.K. High Court challenging the decision of the U.K. Home Office to issue the Deferred National Shutdown Notice as being in breach of applicable U.K. procurement and public law. The backlog related to the incremental years of service contemplated in the Deferred National Shutdown Notice could change depending on the outcome of the proceedings.

CONFERENCE CALL AND WEBCAST Motorola Solutions will host its quarterly conference call beginning at 4 p.m. U.S. Central Time (5 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time) on Thursday, May 2. The conference call will be webcast live at An archive of the webcast will be available for a limited period of time thereafter.

CONSOLIDATED GAAP RESULTS (presented in millions, except per share data)

A comparison of results from operations is as follows:


Q1 2024

Q1 2023

Net sales



Gross margin



Operating earnings



Amounts attributable to Motorola Solutions, Inc. common stockholders



Net earnings



Diluted EPS



Weighted average diluted common shares outstanding




In addition to the results presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. ("GAAP") included in this news release, Motorola Solutions also has included non-GAAP measurements of results, including free cash flow, non-GAAP operating earnings, non-GAAP EPS, non-GAAP operating margin, non-GAAP tax rate, organic revenue and net sales adjusted for the U.K. Home Office. The company has provided these non-GAAP measurements to help investors better understand its core operating performance, enhance comparisons of core operating performance from period-to-period and allow better comparisons of its operating performance to that of its competitors. Among other things, management uses these operating results, excluding the identified items, to evaluate the performance of its businesses and to evaluate results relative to certain incentive compensation targets. Management uses operating results excluding these items because it believes these measurements enable it to make better period-to-period evaluations of the financial performance of its core business operations. The non-GAAP measurements are intended only as a supplement to the comparable GAAP measurements and the company compensates for the limitations inherent in the use of non-GAAP measurements by using GAAP measures in conjunction with the non-GAAP measurements. As a result, investors should consider these non-GAAP measurements in addition to, and not in substitution for or as superior to, GAAP measurements.

Reconciliations: Details and reconciliations of such non-GAAP measurements to the corresponding GAAP measurements can be found at the end of this news release.

Free cash flow: Free cash flow represents net cash provided by operating activities less capital expenditures. The company believes that free cash flow is useful to investors as the basis for comparing its performance and coverage ratios with other companies in the company's industries, although the company's measure of free cash flow may not be directly comparable to similar measures used by other companies. This measure is also used as a component of incentive compensation.

Organic revenue: Organic revenue reflects net sales calculated under GAAP excluding net sales from acquired business owned for less than four full quarters. The company believes organic revenue provides useful information for evaluating the periodic growth of the business on a consistent basis and provides for a meaningful period-to-period comparison and analysis of trends in the business.

Net sales adjusted for the U.K. Home Office or Net sales excluding U.K. Home Office sales: Net sales adjusted for the U.K. Home Office reflects net sales calculated under GAAP excluding net sales related to the U.K. Home Office. The company believes that net sales excluding the U.K. Home Office improves period-to-period comparability related to the Charge Control implemented as of August 1, 2023 and the company's exit from the ESN contract as of December 31, 2023.

Non-GAAP operating earnings, non-GAAP EPS and non-GAAP operating margin each excludes highlighted items, including share-based compensation expenses and intangible assets amortization expense, as follows:

Highlighted items: The company has excluded the effects of highlighted items including, but not limited to, acquisition-related transaction fees, tangible and intangible asset impairments, reorganization of business charges, certain non-cash pension adjustments, legal settlements and other contingencies, gains and losses on investments and businesses, Hytera-related legal expenses, gains and losses on the extinguishment of debt and the income tax effects of significant tax matters, from its non-GAAP operating expenses and net income measurements because the company believes that these historical items do not reflect expected future operating earnings or expenses and do not contribute to a meaningful evaluation of the company's current operating performance or comparisons to the company's past operating performance. For the purposes of management's internal analysis over operating performance, the company uses financial statements that exclude highlighted items, as these charges do not contribute to a meaningful evaluation of the company's current operating performance or comparisons to the company's past operating performance.

Hytera-Related Legal Expenses: On March 14, 2017, the company filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (the “Court”) against Hytera Communications Corporation Limited of Shenzhen, China; Hytera America, Inc.; and Hytera Communications America (West), Inc. (collectively, “Hytera”), alleging trade secret theft and copyright infringement and seeking, among other things, injunctive relief, compensatory damages and punitive damages. On February 14, 2020, the company announced that a jury decided in the company's favor in its trade secret theft and copyright infringement case. In connection with this verdict, the jury awarded the company $345.8 million in compensatory damages and $418.8 million in punitive damages, for a total of $764.6 million. In a series of post-trial rulings in 2021, the Court subsequently reduced the judgment to $543.7 million, but also ordered Hytera to pay the company $51.1 million in pre-judgment interest and $2.6 million in costs, as well as $34.2 million in attorneys fees. The company continues to seek collection of the judgment through the ongoing legal process.

On December 17, 2020, the Court held that Hytera must pay the company a forward-looking reasonable royalty on products that use the company’s stolen trade secrets, and on December 15, 2021, set royalty rates for Hytera's sale of relevant products from July 1, 2019 forward. On July 5, 2022, the Court ordered that Hytera pay into a third-party escrow on July 31, 2022, the royalties owed to the company based on the sale of relevant products from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022. Hytera failed to make the required royalty payment on July 31, 2022. On August 1, 2022, Hytera filed a motion to modify or stay the Court’s previous July 5, 2022 royalty order, which the Court denied on July 11, 2023. On August 3, 2022, the company filed a motion seeking to hold Hytera in civil contempt for violating the royalty order by not making the required royalty payment on July 31, 2022. On August 26, 2023, the Court granted the company's contempt motion. As a result, on September 1, 2023, Hytera made a payment of $56 million into the third-party escrow. In addition to the September 1, 2023 payment of $56 million, Hytera has made de minimis regular quarterly royalty payments into the third-party escrow from October 2022 through April 2024. The aggregate amount paid into escrow will not be recognized until all contingencies are resolved and such amount is released from escrow.

Following the February 14, 2020 verdict and judgment in the company's favor, Hytera subsequently filed several notices to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit (the "Court of Appeals"), including a notice of appeal filed on August 2, 2022 which appealed the orders related to the jury's verdict as well as the Court's royalty order. The company filed its cross-appeal on August 5, 2022. The Court of Appeals heard oral arguments on the parties' appeals on December 5, 2023.

In the first quarter of 2024, the parties have been engaged in competing litigation in the Court and a court in Shenzhen, China (originally filed by Hytera in June 2022 and not served upon the company until November 2023) related to the possible continued use by Hytera of the company’s trade secrets in Hytera’s currently shipping products. In March 2024, the Court ordered Hytera to take affirmative steps to withdraw its competing litigation. Hytera did not comply with the Court's order and, accordingly, the Court issued an order against Hytera for contempt sanctions on April 2, 2024, which included a worldwide sales injunction of all Hytera radio products. On April 16, 2024, the Court of Appeals granted Hytera's motion for an emergency stay of the contempt sanctions, to allow the Court of Appeals to review the lower Court's various orders related to the contempt sanctions.

Management typically considers legal expenses associated with defending the company's intellectual property as “normal and recurring” and accordingly, Hytera-related legal expenses were included in both the company's GAAP and non-GAAP operating income for fiscal years 2017, 2018 and 2019. The company anticipates further expenses associated with Hytera-related litigation; however, as of 2020, the company believes that these expenses are no longer a part of the “normal and recurring” legal expenses incurred to operate its business. In addition, as any contingent or actual gains associated with the Hytera litigation are recognized, they will be similarly excluded from the company's non-GAAP operating income, consistent with the company's treatment of the $15 million of proceeds realized in 2022. The company believes after the jury award, the presentation of excluding both Hytera-related legal expenses and gains related to awards better aligns with how management evaluates the company's ongoing underlying business performance.

Share-based compensation expenses: The company has excluded share-based compensation expenses from its non-GAAP operating expenses and net income measurements. Although share-based compensation is a key incentive offered to the company’s employees and the company believes such compensation contributed to the revenue earned during the periods presented and also believes it will contribute to the generation of future period revenues, the company continues to evaluate its performance excluding share-based compensation expenses primarily because it represents a significant non-cash expense. Share-based compensation expenses will recur in future periods.

Intangible assets amortization expense: The company has excluded intangible assets amortization expense from its non-GAAP operating expenses and net income measurements primarily because it represents a non-cash expense and because the company evaluates its performance excluding intangible assets amortization expense. Amortization of intangible assets is consistent in amount and frequency but is significantly affected by the timing and size of the company’s acquisitions. Investors should note that the use of intangible assets contributed to the company’s revenues earned during the periods presented and will contribute to the company’s future period revenues as well. Intangible assets amortization expense will recur in future periods.


This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable federal securities law. These statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and generally include words such as “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “estimates” and similar expressions. The company can give no assurance that any actual or future results or events discussed in these statements will be achieved. Any forward-looking statements represent the company’s views only as of today and should not be relied upon as representing the company’s views as of any subsequent date. Readers are cautioned that such forward- looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from the statements contained in this release. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, Motorola Solutions’ financial outlook for the second quarter and full-year of 2024; the impact of the CMA's final decision and Charge Control regarding Airwave (including the company's actions in response); and the impact of the company's proceedings in the U.K. High Court relating to the Deferred National Shutdown Notice. Motorola Solutions cautions the reader that the risks and uncertainties below, as well as those in Part I Item 1A of Motorola Solutions' 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K and in its other SEC filings available for free on the SEC’s website at and on Motorola Solutions’ website at, could cause Motorola Solutions’ actual results to differ materially from those estimated or predicted in the forward-looking statements. Many of these risks and uncertainties cannot be controlled by Motorola Solutions, and factors that may impact forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: (i) the impact, including increased costs and potential liabilities, associated with changes in laws and regulations regarding privacy, data protection, information security and cybersecurity; (ii) challenges relating to existing or future legislation and regulations pertaining to artificial intelligence (“AI”), AI-enabled products and the use of biometrics and other video analytics; (iii) the impact of government regulation of radio frequencies; (iv) audits and regulations and laws applicable to our U.

Fonte: Business Wire

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