I3P launches the Cybersecurity Incubation Program

The I3P's initiative is promoted together with the National Cybersecurity Agency in collaboration with Leonardo and C*Sparks.

Autore: v.m.

With the aim of supporting and promoting technological development and innovation as part of the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2026, the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) has established a network of operators in Italy to design and implement joint programs to support and accelerate innovation and applied research.

Among these, the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin (I3P) today presents a new path of entrepreneurial accompaniment, created in collaboration with partners Leonardo S.p.A. and C*Sparks, entirely dedicated to supporting young innovative cybersecurity companies: the Cybersecurity Incubation Program.

The initiative is aimed at companies established less than 5 years ago, registered in the Register of Companies, based in Italy and with one or more projects in the field of cybersecurity in line with the priorities identified by the ACN Research and Innovation Agenda, considering in particular those that use technologies such as data science, artificial intelligence, robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, quantum computing, or cryptography.

The program aims to support startups operating on emerging technologies, new solutions and business models, with high potential for innovation and scalability, which contribute to the development and dissemination of cybersecurity. The call for startups is already open for the search for entrepreneurial teams interested in joining the program and benefiting from its numerous facilities for technological development, project validation, fundraising phases, market entry and possible internationalization of the company.

A full year of incubation

I3P's program offers a 12-month incubation program tailored to cybersecurity startups, which includes entrepreneurial development activities - including customer discovery, business planning, team growth support, intellectual property protection strategies, and support in finding investors. In addition, the Leonardo Group, through its Cyber & Security Solutions division, will offer startups technical training, mentoring and the opportunity to evaluate the implementation of Proof-of-Concept (PoC) with its experts. C*Sparks will offer support in the strategic and operational orientation of projects to increase fundraising opportunities.

For the first year of activity, the National Cybersecurity Agency will be able to choose up to 4 companies that are part of the program and will support them with a non-repayable financial contribution of 50k euros in line with the State aid rules. In order to have access to the contribution offered by the Agency, it is necessary to comply with some additional criteria and requirements, highlighted in the documents that will be provided to startups interested in the program. ACN will also be able to propose periodic training and awareness initiatives, mentoring sessions, focused on the activities of the startup validation plan, and networking initiatives, with the aim of supporting companies' access to qualified networks for the expansion of the entrepreneurial project.

The program will benefit from the experience gained by I3P and its partners in supporting deeptech projects, with applications in aerospace, defense & security, industrial manufacturing, critical infrastructure monitoring, energy, and financial services.

To apply for a startup to enter the Cybersecurity Incubation Program, you must contact this email address. The program's call for startups is open permanently, but includes periodic cut-off dates after which the applications received will be reviewed and processed. The first cut-off will be on Friday, June 14, 2024. A second cut-off date is scheduled for the end of this year.

For the Director General of ACN, Bruno Frattasi: "The path started with the Cyber Innovation Network tells of how it is possible to create a virtuous continuum between research and industrial activities to concretely innovate. And it says how committed the National Cybersecurity Agency is to fostering productive dialogue between basic science and applied science to advance the cybersecurity agenda in our country."

"We are honored to have the opportunity to collaborate with the National Cybersecurity Agency and to be able to do so by bringing value to the Italian startup ecosystem," said Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P. "In this joint journey, the partnership with Leonardo and C*Sparks will be very valuable, as they will complete the offer of skills and know-how made available to startups to accelerate their growth."

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