BrainChip and Frontgrade Gaisler to Augment Space-Grade Microprocessors with AI Capabilities

BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY), the world’s first commercial producer of ultra-low power, fully digital, event-based, neuromorphic AI IP, and Frontgrade Gaisler, a leadi...

Autore: Business Wire

LAGUNA HILLS, Calif. & GÖTEBORG, Sweden: BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY), the world’s first commercial producer of ultra-low power, fully digital, event-based, neuromorphic AI IP, and Frontgrade Gaisler, a leading provider of space-grade system-on-chip solutions, announce their collaboration to explore the integration of BrainChip’s AkidaTM neuromorphic processor into Frontgrade Gaisler’s next generation fault-tolerant, radiation-hardened microprocessors. This collaboration represents a significant milestone as it aims to introduce the first space-grade SoC worldwide with incorporated true artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

These next generation microprocessors would include BrainChip’s AI processing capabilities, thereby enabling a considerable step forward in the computing resources available for space-borne systems. In particular, the inclusion of the Akida neuromorphic processor aims to deliver compelling power efficiency and inference performance while maintaining compatibility with existing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

“Adding AI capabilities to our next generation microprocessors would set a new standard for modern space-grade computing devices,” said Sandi Habinc, General Manager at Frontgrade Gaisler. “The success of this joint effort could empower organizations to leverage AI technology to enhance mission efficiency, ultimately advancing the frontiers of what is possible in space.”

Space programs are increasingly turning to neuromorphic AI technology to overcome the latency and power consumption demands that are hindering those within the sector. The goal in integrating AI and neuromorphic computing into space technology is to strengthen deployments that require more autonomy and adaptability by providing the ability to learn on device and adapt in environments with constantly changing variables.

“Ensuring the availability, accessibility and reliability of technology and devices utilized as part of spacecraft platforms and payloads is of utmost importance for the Agency and its state-of-the-art space missions,” said Ali Zadeh, Head of the Data Systems & Microelectronics Division at the European Space Agency. “Integrating neuromorphic capabilities in a space-grade SoC represents an exciting technological avenue for the next generation of space applications. A collaboration between Frontgrade Gaisler and BrainChip to utilize such advanced technologies for space is therefore very encouraging.”

“When we say that we are dedicated to growing AI everywhere, we mean it,” said Sean Hehir, CEO of BrainChip. “From everywhere on earth, to the edge of space, we are committed to helping develop devices that can provide the low cost, efficiency and on-sensor intelligence required in the most extreme conditions. Those participating in this latest leg of the Space Race will find a tremendous advantage in leveraging neuromorphic technology to overcome the challenges that would otherwise keep their missions grounded, or at least, limited.”

About BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY) BrainChip is the worldwide leader in Edge AI on-chip processing and learning. The company’s first-to-market, fully digital, event-based AI processor, AkidaTM, uses neuromorphic principles to mimic the human brain, analyzing only essential sensor inputs at the point of acquisition, processing data with unparalleled efficiency, precision, and economy of energy. Akida uniquely enables Edge learning local to the chip, independent of the cloud, dramatically reducing latency while improving privacy and data security. Akida Neural processor IP, which can be integrated into SoCs on any process technology, has shown substantial benefits on today’s workloads and networks, and offers a platform for developers to create, tune and run their models using standard AI workflows like Tensorflow/Keras. In enabling effective Edge compute to be universally deployable across real world applications such as connected cars, consumer electronics, and industrial IoT, BrainChip is proving that on-chip AI, close to the sensor, is the future, for its customers’ products, as well as the planet. Explore the benefits of Essential AI at

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About Frontgrade Gaisler

Frontgrade Gaisler, a Frontgrade Technologies company, is a leading global provider of radiation-hardened microprocessors and IP cores for critical applications, particularly in the space industry. The company’s highly integrated SoC processors are known for their reliability, fault tolerance, and radiation tolerance, making them ideal for any space mission or other high-reliability application. Find out more about space computing at

Fonte: Business Wire

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