14 Studies Presented at AUA 2024 Show Decipher Tests’ Ability to Help Personalize Care for Prostate and Bladder Cancer Patients and Advance Disease Understanding

$VCYT--Veracyte, Inc. (Nasdaq: VCYT), a leading cancer diagnostics company, today announced that data from 14 presentations at AUA 2024, the annual meeting of the American Urological Association, show...

Autore: Business Wire

Large number of abstracts also showcases power of the Veracyte Diagnostics Platform

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.: $VCYT--Veracyte, Inc. (Nasdaq: VCYT), a leading cancer diagnostics company, today announced that data from 14 presentations at AUA 2024, the annual meeting of the American Urological Association, show that the Decipher Prostate and Decipher Bladder Genomic Classifiers provide better prognostic information for patients with prostate and bladder cancer, compared to standard approaches. They also show that the research-use-only Decipher GRID (Genomic Resource for Intelligent Discovery) tool is helping to advance scientific understanding of these diseases. The findings were presented during the conference taking place May 3-6 in San Antonio.

“The large amount of data presented at AUA 2024 reinforces Veracyte’s commitment to building rigorous evidence that demonstrates our tests’ performance and clinical utility,” said Elai Davicioni, Ph.D., Veracyte’s medical director for Urology. “Further, our whole-transcriptome approach to testing provides an incredible amount of data that we are pleased to share with the research community through Decipher GRID to help advance understanding of urologic cancers and ultimately improve patient outcomes.”

Studies showing the Decipher Prostate test’s ability to better inform prostate cancer treatment include:

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