OpenAI Joins C2PA Steering Committee

Today, the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) announced that OpenAI, a leader in artificial intelligence research and deployment, has joined the C2PA as a steering committee memb...

Autore: Business Wire

OpenAI joins C2PA to help increase transparency and rebuild trust in the digital ecosystem

SAN FRANCISCO: Today, the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) announced that OpenAI, a leader in artificial intelligence research and deployment, has joined the C2PA as a steering committee member. This marks a significant milestone for the C2PA and will help advance the coalition’s mission to increase transparency around digital media as AI-generated content becomes more prevalent.

Joining other steering committee members that include Adobe, BBC, Intel, Microsoft, Google, Publicis Groupe, Sony and Truepic -- OpenAI will collaborate to further develop and promote the adoption of Content Credentials, an implementation of the C2PA’s open technical standard for tamper-resident metadata that can be attached to digital content, showing how and when the content was created or modified.

The announcement today builds on OpenAI’s previously shared initiatives to improve transparency around digital provenance. Earlier this year, OpenAI began attaching Content Credentials to images created and edited by DALL•E 3, the company’s latest image model, in ChatGPT and the OpenAI API. In addition, the company also announced its plans to attach Content Credentials to video generations from Sora, the company’s text-to-video model, when the model is ready to be deployed to the public.

OpenAI’s membership and implementation of Content Credentials serves as a strong endorsement for the C2PA technical specification and advancing the collective mission to help restore trust in the digital ecosystem.

“C2PA is playing an essential role in bringing the industry together to advance shared standards around digital provenance,” said Anna Makanju, OpenAI’s VP of Global Affairs. “We look forward to contributing to this effort and see it as an important part of building trust in the authenticity of what people see and hear online."

“OpenAI is a long-time supporter of the C2PA’s mission and we’re thrilled that they've deepened their engagement by becoming a Steering Committee member,” said Andrew Jenks, C2PA Chair. "OpenAI's existing adoption, advocacy, and ongoing commitment to Content Credentials will bring an important voice to our membership’s working efforts to guide the development of the C2PA standard.”

About the C2PA

The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) is an open, technical standards body addressing the prevalence of misleading information online through the development of technical standards for certifying the source and history (or provenance) of digital content. C2PA is a Joint Development Foundation project. For more information, visit and

About OpenAI

OpenAI's mission is to create safe and powerful AI that benefits all of humanity.

Fonte: Business Wire

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