Phixius by Nacha Partners with ValidiFI to Enhance Account Validation Coverage

Phixius by Nacha—a trusted, secure, peer-to-peer payment information network—announced today its partnership with ValidiFI, a leading provider of predictive bank account and payment intelligence. ...

Autore: Business Wire

MIAMI BEACH, Fla.: Phixius by Nacha—a trusted, secure, peer-to-peer payment information network—announced today its partnership with ValidiFI, a leading provider of predictive bank account and payment intelligence. This collaboration will expand on Phixius’ current account validation coverage, leading to fewer returns and improving ACH payment quality.

"Phixius connects payment validation requestors to responders. This provides the connective tissue to address critical coverage gaps in validating U.S. bank account information," said Rob Unger, Associate Managing Director of ACH Network Development at Nacha. "The partnership with ValidiFI expands the payment information validation ecosystem that Phixius supports with standardized APIs and rules."

“As a Nacha Preferred Partner, we are excited to enhance our partnership to support Phixius customers in achieving compliance with the WEB debit account validation rule,” said Greg Rable, CEO of ValidiFI. “This collaboration grants access to our account validation, a valuable component of our predictive bank account and payment intelligence offerings.

This partnership increases the validation sources for Phixius customers to verify bank information to mitigate risk, reduce costs and meet compliance requirements.

Phixius further simplifies business requirements as it anonymizes requests and does not require end-user contracts. Another benefit for Phixius customers is a single contract granting access to multiple endpoints, each delivering standardized responses. This unified approach eliminates the need for multiple agreements and improves operational efficiency for all parties involved.

To learn more about Phixius and schedule a free demo, visit

About Nacha

Nacha governs the thriving ACH Network, the payment system that drives safe, smart, and fast Direct Deposits and Direct Payments with the capability to reach all U.S. bank and credit union accounts. There were 31.5 billion ACH Network payments made in 2023, valued at $80.1 trillion. Through problem-solving and consensus-building among diverse payment industry stakeholders, Nacha advances innovation and interoperability in the payments system. Nacha develops rules and standards, provides industry solutions, and delivers education, accreditation, and advisory services.

About ValidiFI

ValidiFI is the leading provider of predictive bank account and payment intelligence. Leveraging the Omni Platform, ValidiFI empowers organizations and financial institutions with actionable insights to help validate bank accounts, detect fraud, and assess credit risk. By analyzing the intricate connections between bank accounts, consumers, and payment performance, ValidiFI offers a more comprehensive view. ValidiFI serves as a trusted partner, unlocking the power of predictive bank account and payment intelligence through credentialled and non-credentialled solutions, enabling more confident transactions. For more information, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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