90% of UK Entrepreneurs Leverage AI, Blockchain and Cloud Computing to Boost Efficiency

Over half of UK business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs (56%) are setting their sights beyond British shores, driven by the growth potential and enhanced flexibility offered in other global markets...

Autore: Business Wire

New research reveals key drivers and hurdles in UK business growth strategies in 2024 and beyond:

LONDON: Over half of UK business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs (56%) are setting their sights beyond British shores, driven by the growth potential and enhanced flexibility offered in other global markets. This shift, uncovered by new research from Estonia’s e-Residency programme, signifies a pivot in UK entrepreneurship towards international markets, diversifying beyond local dynamics.

The survey of 1,000 UK business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs explores the rapidly changing entrepreneurial ecosystem. It underscores the need for new solutions to cut through bureaucratic red tape, highlighting advanced digital services and mobility as key drivers for success this year.

Borderless business

As UK businesses navigate the complexities of a globalised economy, entrepreneurs are adjusting their strategies to tap into international markets and boost cross-border trade. This proactive shift is reflected in the attitudes and actions of UK business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs:

AI takes centre stage, again

UK entrepreneurs are redefining their global strategies by elevating AI and emerging technologies from handy tools to transformative assets for business growth. This shift signals an increasing reliance on innovative digital solutions across the entrepreneurial landscape:

Next tech wave: Digital identity

Digital identity technologies are gaining traction in today’s business landscape as awareness of their potential to mitigate the rising threat of fraud increases. Yet, these tools are not just for secure identity verification; they empower entrepreneurs to manage businesses online, perform transactions globally and handle everything from banking to tax filing, regardless of physical location. Despite their vast potential, awareness of these technologies is surprisingly low. This gap underscores a need for education and reveals an opportunity for those ready to embrace these solutions:

Current state of UK entrepreneurship

Individuals navigating the UK’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, built for compliance and accountability, recognise this landscape involves a blend of challenges and rewards. This understanding fosters a proactive community, eager to tackle obstacles and seize opportunities for big wins:

Liina Vahtras, head of Estonia’s e-Residency programme, commented: “Entrepreneurs across the globe are navigating a rapidly evolving landscape. To succeed in today's interconnected world, businesses must embrace new models of collaboration and competition, looking beyond local markets to seize global opportunities. By investing in innovative technologies and fostering a culture of adaptability, entrepreneurs can reach new heights, regardless of their location. These strategies are essential for both emerging and established businesses to thrive in a global economy.”

About e-Residency

Estonia introduced the world's first e-Residency program at the end of 2014, designed to give non-residents secure access to its digital public services. Since its launch, over 113,500 individuals have obtained e-resident status, and these e-residents have established more than 30,200 companies within Estonia. The programme has generated over 213 million euros in direct revenue for the Estonian state budget from taxes and state fees. Additionally, it contributes indirect revenue through the growth of Estonian companies that are part of the e-Residency Marketplace. These companies offer a range of services including business, financial, insurance and consulting to e-resident entrepreneurs. For further details and statistics on Estonian e-Residency, please visit: https://www.e-resident.gov.ee/uk-hub-digital-residency-setup/


The study was carried out by Censuswide with a participant group of 1,003 business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, divided equally. All participants were aged 18 and older. Data collection occurred from March 25, 2024, to April 2, 2024. Censuswide adheres to the standards of the Market Research Society and follows both the MRS Code of Conduct and ESOMAR principles. Additionally, Censuswide is a member of the British Polling Council.

Fonte: Business Wire

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