AI Adoption Projects Are ‘Investment Roulette’ as Fear of Missing Out Drives Flawed Decisions

Ardoq, a SaaS company dedicated to helping enterprises successfully navigate digital transformation, today announced new research revealing the trial-and-error state of emerging technology adoption. T...

Autore: Business Wire

Barely half (53%) of emerging technology adoption projects deliver measurable business benefits and impact, finds research from Ardoq

OSLO, Norway: Ardoq, a SaaS company dedicated to helping enterprises successfully navigate digital transformation, today announced new research revealing the trial-and-error state of emerging technology adoption. The ‘Emerging Technology Adoption 2024’ report finds that barely half (53%) of research projects deliver measurable benefits and impacts. 61% of CIOs say their investments are often driven by the fear of missing out. Furthermore, nearly four in five CIOs (79%) argue they have to take risks on emerging technologies or they will ‘go the way of the dinosaurs’.

The tension of balancing risk versus reward is present in all emerging technology research projects, but most prominently around Artificial Intelligence (AI). Key findings of the report include:

“In today’s fast-paced digital era, those that can adopt new technologies quickly and fuse them into the fabric of their business can unlock huge rewards,” commented Erik Bakstad, CEO and co-founder, Ardoq, “We have seen this time and again, but it is not since the internet emerged that a technology has promised such potential as that posed by AI today. However, investing in emerging technologies like AI is not for the faint of heart. Organizations must be prepared to navigate the risks, or could find their technology investments falling short of expectations.”

The research found that the average enterprise spends $43.4 million annually on emerging technology projects. Yet, despite these huge sums, 69% of CIOs say predicting the ROI on such investments is little more than a ‘finger in the air’ exercise. Other notable findings include:

Lack of EA leaving organizations blind to the impact of change

For most organizations, advancing their enterprise architecture (EA) is key to unlocking the full potential of emerging technology projects. One-third (33%) of CIOs say their EA currently relies on time-consuming processes that leave them blind to the impact of change. Other key findings include:

“To reap the rewards of emerging technology investment, organizations must be prepared to take a leap of faith,” continued Bakstad. “Change is not just inevitable, it's the lifeblood of progress. Organizations must therefore assume they will be uprooted and position themselves to be able to pivot, to stay on the path. By harnessing data to inform decision-making at every turn, organizations can navigate the complexities of emerging technology adoption with confidence. This requires a change in the perception of EA from an IT capability, to a critical business discipline that helps ensure the integrity of enterprise solutions.”

The report is based on a global survey of 700 CIOs and other senior IT leaders in enterprises with more than 2,000 employees. It was commissioned by Ardoq in partnership with Slalom and conducted by Coleman Parkes between March and April 2024.

About Ardoq

Ardoq offers a cloud-native SaaS platform for Enterprise Architecture and digital transformation. The platform provides organizations with the insights and analytics needed to navigate complex business landscapes. By facilitating comprehensive documentation, analysis, and visualization of data, Ardoq empowers teams to make informed decisions and execute on strategies. Adopting emerging technologies, reducing risks or unlocking growth: Ardoq is an essential solution for businesses aiming to increase competitiveness and thrive in the digital age.

Ardoq was founded in 2013 and has offices in New York, London, Oslo and Copenhagen. Ardoq’s 350+ customers come from all over the globe and span various industries, including companies such as British Telecom, MUFG, Carlsberg Group and ExxonMobil.

Fonte: Business Wire

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