Survey Healthcare Global (SHG) Wins Two BHBIA BOBI Awards for Healthcare Market Research Excellence

Survey Healthcare Global (SHG), a global market leader in first-party healthcare data collection and custom survey solutions and an Apollo Intelligence (Apollo) brand, won two prestigious Best of Busi...

Autore: Business Wire

Creative Fieldwork Team of the Year, Compliance Challenge awards spotlight SHG as the best of the best in business intelligence in the UK

WATERTOWN, Mass.: Survey Healthcare Global (SHG), a global market leader in first-party healthcare data collection and custom survey solutions and an Apollo Intelligence (Apollo) brand, won two prestigious Best of Business Intelligence (BOBI) awards from the British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association (BHBIA). SHG’s team was named Creative Fieldwork Team of the Year, and the company shared the Compliance Challenge award with three other industry leaders.

Presented at a gala dinner on May 13, the BOBI awards attest to SHG’s exceptional abilities to deliver the highest quality data and insights that accelerate health innovation.

“We are thrilled that SHG’s expertise and operating excellence in life science market insights has been recognized as the best of the best in the UK,” said Daniel S. Fitzgerald, CEO and president of Apollo Intelligence. “Healthcare companies need highly skilled experts and proven methods of sourcing insights and the right intelligence to bring innovative therapies to market and deliver business results. We are delighted that the industry has spotlighted SHG’s work as exceptional.”

Launched in 2006, the BOBI awards include task-based challenges, where teams submit a creative response to the fictitious “Request for Proposal” tender.

SHG’s Creative Fieldwork Challenge win commended SHG’s strategy for creating an online patient community and sourcing healthcare professionals’ insights – efforts SHG has performed thousands of times for real-life partners and clients. “We loved the approach the winner took to working with an online patient community,” the BOBI judges said. “It was designed to be patient-centric and ensure that the research experience would be a positive one. The approach to gaining HCPs’ perspectives was equally well-thought through, and the timings and budget were clear and appropriate.” Participating for SHG were Tamara Burke, Simona Vilkaite, and Oceane Motteau with support from Kate Maul.

SHG’s Compliance Challenge win, along with Adelphi Research, Sermo, and M3 Global Research, attested to the team’s deep understanding of compliance requirements, a critical function in healthcare insights work, and the ability to resolve them. Judges commended the team for “providing clear and practical information about the legal and ethical considerations for recruitment and fieldwork.” The effort also showcased SHG’s ability to collaborate with partners and competitors in delivering the best possible solution for the client. SHG’s Jimmy Lam represented SHG on the team.

About Apollo Intelligence, LLC

Apollo’s mission is to accelerate health innovation to improve life by offering leading research technology and access that unlocks new paths to insights. In 2019, Apollo launched with the acquisition of InCrowd, a pioneer of real-time, automated insights for the life science industry. In 2020, Apollo strengthened its global reach by acquiring Survey Healthcare Global, a global market leader in first-party healthcare data collection and custom survey solutions, and in early 2024, added GlocalMind Inc. to the Apollo family. Apollo provides access to two million healthcare stakeholders worldwide—including physicians, patients, caregivers, and allied healthcare professionals. Apollo’s 300+ employees support top global pharmaceutical and healthcare brands, market research agencies, and consultancies across 13 countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Apollo is a portfolio company of Frazier Healthcare Partners. For more information about Apollo, please visit our website at

Fonte: Business Wire

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