Reply Spearheads the M365 Copilot Adoption and Introduces Immersive M365 Copilot Experience at Milan Xchange 2024

Reply, with its company WM Reply, has collaborated with Microsoft to fully harness and promote the capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot and will showcase its transformative potential at the Milan 202...

Autore: Business Wire

TURIN, Italy: Reply, with its company WM Reply, has collaborated with Microsoft to fully harness and promote the capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot and will showcase its transformative potential at the Milan 2024 Xchange event on May 15-16 through a live immersive experience.

As a partner in Microsoft’s Early Access Program (EAP), Reply has leveraged its extensive experience and insights to assist organisations in achieving early successes with Copilot. This collaboration aims to tailor Copilot solutions to specific business needs, from automating routine tasks and enhancing data security to accelerating app development and improving collaboration. A tailored roadmap, developed in collaboration with Microsoft, guides organisations through the implementation and maximisation of Copilot’s capabilities.

Understanding the importance of adoption, Reply has developed a five-step approach to ensure that the benefits of Copilot M365 are accessible to a wide corporate audience. This approach aligns with Microsoft AI Lab’s vision and focuses on integrating Copilot into daily operations effectively. The below Copilot maturity model framework aims to help customers assess their current state and their desired state with Copilot, and to identify the gaps and the actions needed to achieve their goals:

  • Approach – Exploring the art of the possible, technical readiness and align with company strategy.
  • Assess – Plan a pilot where we take the early-adopters on a journey with measurement qualitative and quantitative. Use those results to create a business case and roll-out plan.
  • Adopt – Set-up a CoE for Copilot. Land key messages and provide training using a scenario/functional specific approach.
  • Embed – Make Copilot Business as Usual at or your organisation. Manage a dynamic licensing approach and stay on top of new features.
  • Extend – Bring the power of copilot to wider application.
  • Immersive Introduction at Milan Xchange

    Held annually, Reply’s Xchange brings together technology leaders and innovators to explore the latest in digital solutions and strategies. This year, Reply will debut the “AI-Scape Room," an immersive virtual escape room experience developed by WM Reply and powered by Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365. This demonstration will highlight how Copilot enhances productivity, security, and collaboration within business processes through advanced AI integration.

    The AI-Scape Room is designed to foster teamwork and communication as participants collaborate to solve puzzles and challenges with the assistance of Copilot’s AI-driven insights. The bespoke escape room is an opportunity for all participants to experience, explore and discover how to utilise M365 copilot as the hands-on challenges provide valuable insights into the potential of AI in enhancing workplace efficiency and engagement.

    For more information on Reply’s M365 Copilot Adoption approach, the AI-Scape Room and Reply's AI-based solutions, visit:


    Reply [EXM, STAR: REY] specialises in the design and implementation of solutions based on new communication channels and digital media. As a network of highly specialised companies, Reply defines and develops business models enabled by the new models of AI, big data, cloud computing, digital media and the internet of things. Reply delivers consulting, system integration and digital services to organisations across the telecom and media; industry and services; banking and insurance; and public sectors.


    WM Reply is the Reply Group company specialising in improving employees day-to-day lives through modern workplace solutions and connecting consumers to products and experiences they love online. We support our clients from beginning to end; designing and building their solution and easing adoption. Making sure our clients are not just enjoying the benefits of the cloud but exploiting them as well. We are recognised as leaders within Sitecore, Dynamics 365, Office 365 and the products within such as SharePoint, Power Platform, Yammer and Microsoft Teams. A Microsoft Gold Partner five times over! We have a colourful team who are famous for their imagination, delivery, passion for technology and most importantly, their pride in delivery.

    Fonte: Business Wire

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