HD Nursing Advocates for Women’s Health and Safety During National Women’s Health Week

During National Women’s Health Week (NWHW) May 12-18, HD Nursing, the leading patient safety solution that combines predictive analytics with individualized fall and pressure injury prevention, reaf...

Autore: Business Wire

BENTON, Ark.: During National Women’s Health Week (NWHW) May 12-18, HD Nursing, the leading patient safety solution that combines predictive analytics with individualized fall and pressure injury prevention, reaffirms its commitment to advancing women's health and safety, particularly during pregnancy and postpartum recovery. An estimated 1 in 4 women experiences a fall during pregnancy, posing serious risks to both mother and baby. This points to the value of HD Nursing’s Maternal HDS©, meticulously mapped to evidence-based interventions aimed at minimizing fall risks for expectant and postpartum mothers.

“Pregnancy and childbirth bring about significant physiological changes, increasing a woman's vulnerability to falls, particularly in hospital settings,” says Amy Hester, PhD, RN, BC, FAAN, chairwoman and CEO, HD Nursing. “HD Nursing is committed to ensuring that every woman has access to the care and resources needed to thrive during this transformative period of their lives and across the continuum of care. HD Nursing's dedication to innovative healthcare solutions aligns with the goals of NWHW and encourages women to prioritize their health and well-being.”

By providing healthcare professionals with actionable insights and resources, HD Nursing delivers comprehensive care tailored to the unique needs of women during pregnancy and childbirth.

Dr. Hester continues, “Our maternal HDS is a validated fall risk assessment tool specifically designed for antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum patients. Linked to targeted interventions, this tool plays a vital role in reducing fall risk and promoting safety in the maternal population.”

About HD Nursing

Established in 2012, HD Nursing has become the dominant patient safety solution and the only fall risk assessment tool validated in the electronic medical record. With a comprehensive, evidence-based approach combining predictive analytics with individualized fall and fall injury prevention patient care, our solution is documented to reduce patient falls and injuries and is employed by leading health systems and academic medical centers nationwide. Our team is fully committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. Silver Stevie® Award winner as Company of the Year - Health Products & Services category in the 22nd Annual American Business Awards®. https://www.hdnursing.com/

Fonte: Business Wire

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