Vattenfall Goes Live with Hansen Energy Data Management Solution

Hansen Technologies (ASX:HSN), a leading global provider of software and services to the energy, water and communications industries, is pleased to announce that Vattenfall, one of Europe’s largest ...

Autore: Business Wire

MELBOURNE, Australia: Hansen Technologies (ASX:HSN), a leading global provider of software and services to the energy, water and communications industries, is pleased to announce that Vattenfall, one of Europe’s largest energy producers and retailers, has successfully gone live with Hansen EDM, part of the Hansen Suite for Energy & Utilities, to meet its energy data management requirements. With this, Vattenfall has joined a growing number of major energy companies adopting this market-leading solution.

Vattenfall’s business area markets sought a technology and solutions partner that would enable the energy company to modernise its system architecture and harmonise it under one centralised platform for all reconciliation operations. The deployment of Hansen EDM will cover Vattenfall’s operations in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway.

Able to process massive volumes of real-time energy data, Hansen EDM improves business process efficiency by combining metered asset, contract, and market communication data into a single platform that seamlessly automates all balance, settlement, and billing operations. Hansen EDM benefits the utility value chain by automating all metered and contract data to enable position management, delivering imbalance and settlement calculations across the entire asset portfolio. A vital tool for BRPs operating in an increasingly complex energy market, Hansen EDM seamlessly automates operations and is implemented as an on-premise or cloud-based solution. Companies can run their operations aligned to their preferred business model.

David Castree, Chief Customer Officer at Hansen, commented: “At Hansen, we continue to be encouraged by the progressive uptake of Hansen EDM as energy and utility providers worldwide look to accelerate their digital transformation journey, and position themselves for tomorrow’s marketplace. We commend energy leaders such as Vattenfall for actively evolving to a fossil-free market, fully recognising that pursuing renewable energy is the path to a sustainable society. We are delighted that Hansen can play a critical role as a valued partner in this endeavour. With our track record in the energy and utilities sectors, coupled with our innovative EDM technology, we are confident that we will be able to unlock greater value for Vattenfall.”

For further information about Hansen Technologies, please visit

About Hansen

Hansen Technologies (ASX: HSN) is a leading global provider of software and services to the energy, water and communications industries. With its award-winning software portfolio, Hansen serves customers in over 80 countries, helping them to create, sell, and deliver new products and services, manage and analyse customer data, and control critical revenue management and customer support processes.

For more information, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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