Detectify Launches New Domains View and Enhanced Policies for Unprecedented Control Over Attack Surface Data

Detectify, the External Attack Surface Management platform powered by elite ethical hackers, today announced a new Domains page and major improvements to existing capabilities for setting custom attac...

Autore: Business Wire

Security Teams Experience 300 Breaches per Set Custom Policy; Best-in-Class EASM Player Empowers Users with Product Improvements to Address Growing Attack Surface Complexity

STOCKHOLM & BOSTON: Detectify, the External Attack Surface Management platform powered by elite ethical hackers, today announced a new Domains page and major improvements to existing capabilities for setting custom attack surface policies. These updates bring unprecedented control over attack surface data and enable organizations to seamlessly configure alerts for policy breaches based on their unique definition of risk, a feature unmatched by any other player in the EASM space.

Attack surfaces keep growing and becoming more diverse, making it increasingly challenging for organizations to obtain and make sense of the most relevant insights from their attack surface data. This growing complexity has been recognized by leading analyst firms, such as Forrester’s “The Attack Surface Management Solutions Landscape, Q2 2024” report, which included Detectify. Security teams highlight the need to identify and reduce risks unique to their business context. In fact, Detectify users see an average of 300 breaches per set policy. Over 70% of active policies today focus on spotting risky open ports, with 60% specifically alerting on any detected ports other than 80 or 443. This emphasizes that identifying areas of the attack surface that could be improved, such as open ports, is key for security teams.

"Our global customer base uses hundreds of attack surface policies every day,” said Danwei Tran Luciani, VP of Product at Detectify. “Users can now seamlessly set custom policies on a variety of new characteristics, like being alerted when a specific cloud provider is present on a set of domains. We're excited to empower security teams with even greater control over their attack surface data."

With the new Domains page and the major improvements to Attack Surface Policies, Detectify customers can benefit from:

Detectify’s new Domains page and enhanced Attack Surface Policies are now available to all Surface Monitoring customers. New data points will continue to be released to the Domains page, which will further expand the specificity of security policies that users can create and receive alerts for. Teams will soon be able to integrate alerts into their existing workflows through the Detectify API and Integrations platform. For more information visit

About Detectify

Detectify sets the standard for External Attack Surface Management (EASM), providing 99.7% accurate vulnerability assessments. Product security and AppSec teams trust Detectify to expose exactly how attackers will exploit their Internet-facing applications. The Detectify platform automates continuous real-world, payload-based attacks crowdsourced through its global community of elite ethical hackers, exposing critical weaknesses before it’s too late. Go hack yourself:

Fonte: Business Wire

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