IPVanish Combats Internet Censorship with Free Emergency VPN

IPVanish, the award-winning no-traffic-log VPN provider owned by Ziff Davis, has intensified its protections of the privacy and freedom of internet users with its launch of Emergency VPN, specifically...

Autore: Business Wire

New offering gives journalists and other eligible individuals free access to 3-month IPVanish subscription

NEW YORK: IPVanish, the award-winning no-traffic-log VPN provider owned by Ziff Davis, has intensified its protections of the privacy and freedom of internet users with its launch of Emergency VPN, specifically for journalists and other individuals subject to online censorship or surveillance, granting them three months of free no-traffic-log VPN access, which users can renew as needed.

Emergency VPN was designed for use in situations of relief, political unrest, turmoil, or other restrictions on internet access and is subject to IPVanish’s terms of use. To gain access, users submit a support request with their credentials to validate their qualifications and eligibility.

“Increasingly, citizens around the world are being silenced for fighting against oppression, which stands in stark contrast to IPVanish’s commitment to a free and open internet,” said Doug Haden, VP of customer success at IPVanish. “We’re proud to offer this tool to protect users’ communications and maintain privacy when sharing information online.”

On top of encrypting data and communications, IPVanish Emergency VPN users also benefit from having their location obscured.

“As founding members of the VPN Trust Initiative and longtime supporters of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the U.S. National Cybersecurity Alliance in the fight against censorship and surveillance, IPVanish is proud to support individuals and organizations advocating for online privacy and internet freedom,” said Subbu Sthanu, chief commercial officer at IPVanish. “We recognize that privacy isn’t just a convenience for some; it’s a requirement to maintain their safety. We’re proud to provide free Emergency VPN access to those helping to distribute vital information.”

For those planning to travel to a location affected by internet censorship, IPVanish recommends applying for Emergency VPN before traveling. Individuals who already require Emergency VPN services are encouraged to apply immediately. Visit IPVanish’s Emergency VPN Page for more details and the application: ipvanish.com/emergency-vpn.

About IPVanish:
IPVanish is an award-winning VPN service provider whose tools and products support online security, privacy, and unrestricted access to digital content. With a commitment to innovation and user-centric solutions, IPVanish is a leading name in the VPN industry.

Fonte: Business Wire

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