Solid-state batteries: Comau works on a new project

Comau joins the Spinmate initiative, and its goal to improve European SSB supply chains for the automotive sector

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Any effort to improve green mobility solutions must face the same problem: in many countries, automotive supply chains aren't advanced enough when it comes to battery systems. That's why many European - and UE-funded - projects are now focused on this critical component of the next generation of transport. Like the Spinmate project, which is part of Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and aims to develop a cost-effective proof-of-concept pilot line for large-scale manufacturing of solid-state battery cells and modules, to support the electrification of the automotive sector.

Spinmate stays for "Scalable and sustainable Pilot line based on INnovative MAnufacturing TEchnologies". The initiative involves many European technological companies and now also an Italian industrial automation leader: Comau, which is a member of Stellantis Group.

Comau is responsible for the development of innovative SSB cell assembly processes that - the company says - are safe, efficient and scalable. This includes identifying the equipment and tools needed to cut, stack and handle next-generation materials such as metallic lithium and solid electrolytes in automatic cell assembly. Comau is also developing the digitalization strategy for the milestone pilot line, which will comprise Industry 4.0 and 5.0 digital manufacturing concepts. The company will also develop new proprietary algorithms for the design and optimization of cell manufacturing plants, in addition to applying its digital solutions to a new environment.

Spinmate is not the first energy transformation collaborative project for Comau. The Italian company is already involved in three European battery consortiums: the European Battery Alliance (EBA), the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA), the European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP). Comau is also partner of Upcell – European Battery Manufacturing Alliance, an association that promotes the creation of a totally European value chain for the development and production of electric batteries.

The company underlines that it's also "actively engaged in bridging the gap between prototype manufacturing and commercial production" of new battery technologies, to achieve industrial-scale development of solid-state batteries. Comau is also working on research projects regarding alternative next-generation technologies, such as sodium batteries.

Headquartered in Turin, Italy, Comau has an international network of 6 innovation centers, 5 digital hubs, 9 manufacturing plants that span 13 countries and employ 4,000 people. Its portfolio includes technology and systems for electric, hybrid and traditional vehicle manufacturing, industrial robots, collaborative and wearable robotics, autonomous logistics, dedicated machining centers, interconnected digital services and products. The company’s offering also extends to project management and consultancy, as well as maintenance and training for a wide range of industrial segments.

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