Tennessee Board of Regents Institution, Motlow State Community College, Selects the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform to Serve Multiple Campuses and Locations

Motlow State Community College, a Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) institution, has selected the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform to provide an all-in-one video and media creation, hosting, storage and ...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN JOSE, Calif.: Motlow State Community College, a Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) institution, has selected the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform to provide an all-in-one video and media creation, hosting, storage and distribution solution across its multiple campuses and locations. The TBR system is the largest system of higher education in Tennessee with 37 community and technical colleges across the state.

The institution was seeking a comprehensive video platform with user-friendly features that seamlessly integrates into the D2L Brightspace Learning Management System. The Video Platform will enable users to enhance teaching and learning with capabilities such as captioning, video quizzing, and sharing content among a variety of audiences. It provides comprehensive analytics, gradebook integration, adaptive bitrate streaming, device compatibility, and other features that enable success for instructors and students. Built-in tools, such as automated production, processing, publishing, and managing of video content, all help streamline workflows and enable course designers and instructors to create engaging learning experiences.

The Video Platform will be used in conjunction with the YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform, which will increase accessibility with features like alternative formats, in-line remediation, advanced analytics, and more.

“Motlow State Community College is committed to giving instructors and students the tools they need to be successful,” said Nathan Arora, Chief Business Officer at YuJa, Inc. “We’re always pleased when institutions and systems find value in our products and trust YuJa to help streamline and simplify their educational workflows.”


Motlow State Community College is a public, multi-campus college in southern middle Tennessee. The College offers certificates, associate degrees, and flexible learning pathways towards a variety of bachelor’s degrees and industry-recognized training programs that lead to high-wage, high-demand careers. The college serves transfer and degree-seeking as well as non-credit students pursuing continuing education units, certifications, professional development, and industry-recognized credentials through MotlowTrained and specialized automation and robotics training. Motlow serves over 640,000 people in an 11-county service area including Bedford, Cannon, Coffee, Dekalb, Franklin, Lincoln, Moore, Rutherford, Van Buren, Warren and White.


YuJa is a leader in cloud platforms and applications for regulated sector clients including higher-ed, K12, healthcare, and government. We enable enterprises to create engaging digital media experiences. We have legal headquarters in Delaware with primary U.S. offices in Silicon Valley, California, and Canadian offices in Toronto.

Fonte: Business Wire

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