Asana to Present at Upcoming Investor Events

Asana, Inc. (NYSE: ASAN)(LTSE: ASAN), a leading work management platform, today announced that Asana’s executives will present at the following investor events: Baird 2024 Global Consumer, Technolo...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN FRANCISCO: Asana, Inc. (NYSE: ASAN)(LTSE: ASAN), a leading work management platform, today announced that Asana’s executives will present at the following investor events:

A live webcast will be available on Asana’s website at

About Asana

Asana, the #1 AI work management platform, is where work connects to goals. Over 150,000 customers like Amazon, Accenture, and Suzuki rely on Asana to manage and automate everything from goal setting and tracking to capacity planning to product launches. To learn more, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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